Looking for a new alliance

I work a lot and need an alliance to fit in. My rate is a little over 400K, consider myself okay skill wise. I've done map 6 but I'm really not looking for this game to dictate my life. Looking to do AQ maps 3-4 and and weekends map 5 eventually, I'm okay with being with lower rated ally as long as we can complete AQ and people are active enough. I don't want to do AW but I'd fill a spot if needed. Got line app.


  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,398 ★★★★★
    Wrong forum
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Come to the alliance with the tag: PGTD5
    Prof. X’s x-crew Avengers
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★
    I’m the leader and you seem like you’ll fit in
  • NinjahippieNinjahippie Member Posts: 265
    Still looking for alliance? Add me on line nipplehippie69 aka ninjahippie13
  • Ric_rollaRic_rolla Member Posts: 10
    We are an active new alliance recruiting players. If any of you have recommendations for players it would be much appreciated. Add me on line at Ric Rolla.
    If u need a relaxed alliance doing aq 2 bg's map 3/4 with enough guys 3 bg's 2 bg aw and u have line search pipu2 or add me demoncatcher4u on line app letting me know you're interested in joining us.
  • TacoDougTacoDoug Member Posts: 138
    Check out £nal if you’re still looking
  • dangarang122dangarang122 Member Posts: 417 ★★★
    Check out TDG! if your'e still looking. We stand for The Dang Gang. We are a lower rated ally, but are a spirited bunch, and would love to take you in!
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