Delay in war season's rewards should cause delay in next war season

SwatUSwatU Member Posts: 30
Dear community, respected @Kabam employees,

I am posting this thread, cuz in my deep thoughts season 17 of alliance wars should be delayed due to delay in getting rewards. Let me explain this idea. As we all know, participants of season 16 have to be in alliance to get rewards they deserved. However there are alliances (my one including) where some players want to take a break (or can't be active nowadays, especially due to coronavirus issues). Keeping them in ally cause problems with alliance quests exploration. But I think the most important argument is that some allys may have list of players who want to rejoin after break. If coming season won't be delayed, they will have only one week to collect glory and buy potions every day (as well as collect rewards from SA - especially two team revives per week). When some players are not prepared properly, wars often becomes disaster, because other players have double or even triple waste to make sure map is completed. Then wasting items is real quick for them which influence outcome score. What is more - the case is new players recruitment. If coming season won't be delayed, new players will have lesser time to show if they are solid and have skill to compete at respective level, there is also lesser time to train new squads, work with diversity etc. Of course, often new members may perform well, but also often may perform below that their profile show. Then there is hectic situation with new recruitment etc., but what is even worse, it may create bad blood between players.

Please consider above mentioned arguments, let me know whether I am wrong or not, lets discuss it here,
with all love, peace and respect,
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