Need some God tier champs

Hey kabam...i have in this game for around three years but even today i dont have God tier champs like CAIW, BWCV, Ghost, captain marvel movie , Guillotine2099, Nick fury, Namor , Domino, Omega red , Void ,Symbiote supreme , Doctor Doom , etc...coz of dus i am not able to clear big quests like Variants, LOL , ABYSS , Act6...i really so desperate to clear all these quests so plz plz give me some nice God tier pulls...seriously its getting a annoying day by day...dats y i am thinking of taking a break from the game but actually i dont want to...i really like dis game...but now in these days m frustrated with my 5* nd 6* crystals pull...pulled trash all d time...plz make me happy nd give me the reason to play Further.....THANKYOU