Help with Act 5.2.4

Henrytfu_41Henrytfu_41 Member Posts: 71
Which is the best team to bring to Act 5.2.4 (and beyond)? I have 2 R5 4* (SW and AA), and several R4 4* (DV, Thor, Hyperion, Hulk, Drax, YJ, CWW2, and SL (all duped) and Quake, GP, Rogue, and Wolvie (unduped). Also have R2 5* Hawkeye, BP, and Ultron (all unduped). Any tips on which team would be best to take in? Any strategy tips would be appreciated too!


  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    get more rank 5 champs and get some units
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Actually your team looks perfectly solid.

    IMO one of your best options there is Hawkeye. Particularly against The Collector if you can use a power gain team and spam the lvl 1 to stop him from reaching his special 3 it will make the fight easier. Ultron is also handy in general.

    I wouldn't bother with Wolverine though until he's duped. It's the double regeneration that really sells that character.

    A power gain team with Rogue using her special 2 also has some potential.

    I'm still working my way through exploration though so that's just my advice. I'm figuring out some of what to do for the final chapters as well. Exploration is a pain, there's a lot of difficult content (for me the caltrops juggernaut was a headache).
  • Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
    Thats the most annoying chapter in act5.2 more then collector you need a hARD hitter team.
    Those who will help
    Aa- cause of his bleed even 1 will shrug off rest will remain and his neurotoxin prevent from healing.
    Thor-double effect when parry stun and armor break appear but only one debuff will be shrug off so stun will remain to hit them easily.
    Wolverine-help you on long fight not mention about his beast regen and bleed
    Voodoo-sp1,sp1 and sp1
    Rouge-hard hitter powerful sp2 and sp3 and no debuff so definitely bet
    You can try hulk or hyperion too
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