Hawk eye mini buff

We all know that gamora and Luke cages buff included their ability being altered (it only used to occur once per fight) I have a few suggestions for a mini Hawkeye buff that wouldn’t hurt nor make him op
1.) allow him to “switch arrow heads” by dashing back and holding block could alternate between debuffs (sorda like winter soldier)
•fire (in quite a bit of the movies if not all he’s had explosive arrowheads)
• shock (in civil war he was able to temporarily stop vision with electricity)
• and well bleed cause.....it’s a arrow
New ability:
Enhanced arrows
Hawkeyes has x% chance to activate all 3 debuffs when using a special (would have a 25 second cool down and would NOT scale down as sig went up
If opponent were immune to any debuff Hawkeye would have X% chance to place an armor break debuff instead
Also nothing about his power drain would change I don’t think this would make him anywhere near op considering he doesn’t have any immunities, regen, or buffs like fury or whatnot. If this won’t be considered could his ability at least have a cool down
1.) allow him to “switch arrow heads” by dashing back and holding block could alternate between debuffs (sorda like winter soldier)
•fire (in quite a bit of the movies if not all he’s had explosive arrowheads)
• shock (in civil war he was able to temporarily stop vision with electricity)
• and well bleed cause.....it’s a arrow
New ability:
Enhanced arrows
Hawkeyes has x% chance to activate all 3 debuffs when using a special (would have a 25 second cool down and would NOT scale down as sig went up
If opponent were immune to any debuff Hawkeye would have X% chance to place an armor break debuff instead
Also nothing about his power drain would change I don’t think this would make him anywhere near op considering he doesn’t have any immunities, regen, or buffs like fury or whatnot. If this won’t be considered could his ability at least have a cool down