Active Core of 18 looking for merge of 10 - 12

Greetings! We are an active ally looking to improve our game. The core of us have been together for a couple years. But as time has worn on, people have worn out. Some started families, some just needed a break. Which bring us to today. After war season rewards come in, we’re going to be starting a new alliance, with our core, and we’re looking to add 8- 12 players. We’re going to keep our old ally as a resting place for most of our alts, and any players that want a break from the grind of AW and AQ. We have been running 432x5 for AQ but want to get back up to 543 543 443 443 433 again, as well as get a fresh start in AW( we are currently gold2). Moving forward we want to make sure we have good participation in 3 day events and SA, and at least a little contribution to Arenas (we’ve got some great grinders that need to feel appreciated). We’ve been running 2 bgs for AW, but if activity dictates, we’d love to run 3. Hit me up on line if interested. Line ID is nevertrustahippy. IGN is Jeezus.
Ave Satanas.
Ave Satanas.
Line: Aethyros