Should I just generic sig stones on Omega or continue saving for whenever I get Aegon/CapIW?

I have been hunting Aegon and CapIW for a while now, with no luck, yet. But I plan on taking them to rank 5. But I do have Omega Red at rank 5 thanks to V3 100%. I also plan on running suicides in the future, just need another month of grinding units. I have enough generic sig stones to take Omega to sig 135. He is at sig 97 right now.
I plan on using Omega and Cap regularly for their utility (Act 6 and beyond) and Aegon for LOL and Abyss.
I don't spend money on stone bundles and stuff so these stones are very hard to gather.
Also I used a generic on Omega and I have class stones for both Aegon and Cap, not sure if this is relevant.
I plan on using Omega and Cap regularly for their utility (Act 6 and beyond) and Aegon for LOL and Abyss.
I don't spend money on stone bundles and stuff so these stones are very hard to gather.
Also I used a generic on Omega and I have class stones for both Aegon and Cap, not sure if this is relevant.

Should I just generic sig stones on Omega or continue saving for whenever I get Aegon/CapIW? 4 votes