A lot of bugs in game right now and few suggestions

1-)Sp2 of kingpin isnt showing the projectile blue line so hard to evade.
2-) Hyperion sp1 and punisher 2099 if ur spamming sp1 of hyperion while punisher99 is doing dashing hit which use projectile guns wont connect with sp1 like he dash back and block.
3-) max 5* max sig star lord energy damage is same on entire combo meter
4-)in alliance quest if a member is fighting and ur waiting on the same node and he dies or not in fight the timer wont stop or refresh or not shown the exact minutes and j cant go to fight u have to come back to main menu and again go in to aw or aq to see how much health left and u can go into fight
5-) if u keep holding ur block and try to dex or dash back it wont work u have to let go ur block then it dash back or dex immediately if ur trying to evade someone’s sp in rest its work 80%
1-)i have done act 1,2,3,5 100% and act 6 completions and act 4 now i went into act 4 exploration and every time i came out of a chapter it straight me take into act 6 chapter 4 i dont want to i want to stay in that act 4 and keep checking chapters or like to play different ones if i want to i can do it myself.
2-) change music for God sake please add somekind of hero album like king of fighters 99 game has check kyo music “tears”
2-) Hyperion sp1 and punisher 2099 if ur spamming sp1 of hyperion while punisher99 is doing dashing hit which use projectile guns wont connect with sp1 like he dash back and block.
3-) max 5* max sig star lord energy damage is same on entire combo meter
4-)in alliance quest if a member is fighting and ur waiting on the same node and he dies or not in fight the timer wont stop or refresh or not shown the exact minutes and j cant go to fight u have to come back to main menu and again go in to aw or aq to see how much health left and u can go into fight
5-) if u keep holding ur block and try to dex or dash back it wont work u have to let go ur block then it dash back or dex immediately if ur trying to evade someone’s sp in rest its work 80%
1-)i have done act 1,2,3,5 100% and act 6 completions and act 4 now i went into act 4 exploration and every time i came out of a chapter it straight me take into act 6 chapter 4 i dont want to i want to stay in that act 4 and keep checking chapters or like to play different ones if i want to i can do it myself.
2-) change music for God sake please add somekind of hero album like king of fighters 99 game has check kyo music “tears”