New AQ Difficulty

I am concerned with the level of changes to Map 6 of the new Season of AQ. Not only are the champs new but it seems as if the difficulty has increased exponentially. My alliance is using heals and revives like never before. I have been playing this game for over 5 years and been playing this map for a long time. I have never seen this difficulty. Never have I seen so many items used just to complete a single day of AQ. Something needs to be changed or the rewards needs to be 30x better than what they usually are. It's the offseason of AW right now and usually that us a time to save up on revives and heals. However, my battle group has used more items so far in AQ than we did all of last AW season. We are all needing to use all our daily limits on items just to get through the map. This needs to be addressed ASAP
Though I swear the Doom Boss we faced today did the same amount Damage through Block as he did when I got clipped from not Blocking...