Quests Becoming Too Difficult (edited by mod for clarity)



  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    zolo wrote: »
    Dear kabaam, ive officially given up, cant do it cant get passed shyt without revives and a stupid amout of potions, ther is a huge gap between heroic and master i and im no slouch at this game, made i all the way to the last two boards in event quest master and its way tougher than the last two, cant complete and i have a nice roster of champs with signature abilities, but none of them are maxed out 4stars, and i feel like i will never get a duplicate for my 5 stars or even get to see one on they 3rd tier, in short, i do alot of work on this game for little tono reward, it shouldn't take 2 years to get 3 tier 4 class catalyst, and i have two profiles and play both equally, yet somehow on my second profile i just maxed out my 4 star ultron, and then got 2 more tier 4 tech class catalyst, i have no ther tech champ on that profile thati like, jus sold rocket, useless, seriously feel like its gonna be another 2years b4 ima b able to max out a 4 star, and i guess these 5 stars are jus gonna sit here

    Not sure how u have so little in so much time, in 1 1-2 years, with no real money spent, I have a dozen 4 star 5-50s, 1 5 star rank 4, and a ton of extra t4cat (more than enough for more rank 4 5 stars) . Maybe u shound only be focusing on one account instead of diving time between two lower accounts.

    I can empathize and agree with OP about the gap in difficulty between heroic and master, which has nothing to do with whether I can complete it or not. And TBH, for me to say that Master lvl is easy and not difficult at all would be my ego getting out of its cage so to speak. I'm able to run Heroic all the way through to 100% with my usual lineup using the autofight AI and never have to use a pot, but in Master lvl, I'd be wasting energy and wanting myself to use pots and revives if I ever considered doing that, which I believe supports the theory of " huge gap". Even playing myself, I have yet to finish a path in the latter chapters without having to use more than a handful of pots and in most instances revives as well. And as for the "stupid amount of potions" I can't say I disagree. Lets take for example lvl 1 potions. An avg. Hp for a rank 4/40 four* can be about 11k. Lvl 1 pots give us like what 375hp/per(from free crystals we can get max 6 per day if we dont sleep)? So if our champ is at 25%hp left, it would take approx. 22 lvl 1 pots to get back most of the lost hp. Making it roughly 4 to 5 days worth of free crystal opening rewards for 1 champ out of 5 for 1 run. Anyone else consider that to be a fair and acceptable amount(and inv. Max is 25 with stash unlimited yes but having an expiration time)?
    I've been playing this game almost daily(safe avg. of 3 to 4hrs/per) going on 3yrs now. Been with alliances a majority of the time that never ran anything less than AQ map4 and AW consecutively, spent money buying resources($150-200 is not that much I suppose). I currently have about fifty 4* champs with less than 1/2 of them duped, and just late this year gathered enough CATS(T4CC) to take 2 of them to rank 5. I have six 5*'s all unduped and none over rank 2. I obviously must be doing something wrong LOL. @King_Cobra735, congrats on your advancement in 1 1/2yrs. What's your secret to having been able to collect so many so much faster than I have?
  • The_jerk1The_jerk1 Member Posts: 2
    KALIZO wrote: »
    really bro u complaining cause the contest is too hard for you?
    endure the growing pain, bro. we all been through it. you will eventually grwo out of it and masters will be a piece of cake.

    Just because you make it your life to be an expert in game. Most of us don't. This game is for everyone,not just you no life people who have nothing better to do than play the game.
  • The_jerk1The_jerk1 Member Posts: 2
    ^ Good points. Always read nodes before you start. Seatin's 3 star master mode vids are always a good help too as he shows which 3 star champs are good matchups to get the job done, and proves it can even be done at all with 3 stars.

    Also make sure you fully understand the abilities of your main questing characters. Really sit down and learn at least your main 5. If you use Dormarmu for example, make sure you know what a Soul Bond is and how to use it. If you use Voodoo make sure you know the difference between firing your special on an odd combo vs an even combo. And know the properties of all the specials of your main crew. If a character has a power drain on only one of their specials, make sure you know which one so that's the one you fire if you need power drain, etc.

    Ideally you do this for every single character in the game. But that's too hard for a lot of people. However, it's not too hard for your top 5, and the benefits of doing so are massive in terms of your performance.

    Again, if someone can completely demolish champs without being hurt, who are a 4*-5* maxed and you have a 3*. That's signs of no life. Just because most of you life to play video games doesn't mean other have to suffer because they're not loners who sit in home practicing and watching videos. Haha that's a joke. Haha
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    See helping people these days simply doesn't pay
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    When I start to think like this I remind myself:

    Who am I actually competing against?

    The answer is no one but myself, so I try to do better on this months Master quest than the last one, by next month maybe I'll have a champ that makes it a bit easier or get better with the ones I've already got. If not, I'll have a good amount of free pots to try and get me through.

    It's also helpful to really think hard about what you are asking in your OP, plenty of decent people will give you good advice with a well worded request but a bunch more are just waiting to sink the boots in if you come off as a jerk with a whinge.
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    @zolo Hey man, I feel your pain. I love how the community here loves to bash people. To be fair, I remember the time when master was a pain, I remember when getting a streak in Arena was damn near impossible. The only thing I can say is to keep practicing, duel everyday, watch vids and get into a solid alliance. My alliance mates are the biggest reason for my growth, they helped me learn different features and styles of game play. I had a 5/50 DS and never played with him right until they taught me how to use him. That's the only way to grow. There are still challenges for me that make me scratch my head and there are aspects of the game that make you wanna quit (The Collector and that damn Juggs in Act 4 come to mind). My recommendation for you is to focus on 1 account only, put down the second account and learn your champs, further make sure you read the nodes in master.

    LoL so true. I still remember getting happy on hitting the infinite streak on 3-star arena for the first time!!
  • KappaluzzoKappaluzzo Member Posts: 42
    With a team of 4* 4/40, you should be able to clear Master relatively easy, maybe a revive or two on the last map. If after 2 years you are still struggling to form 4/40 team, you may have chosen the wrong progression strategy.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    This guy finds it difficult because kabam took away his mods, he admitted to using mods so of course he will get ripped into and laughed at for being unable to beat easy content now.
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    For everyone complaining that Master mode is too difficult, the answer is simple - improve your roster and skills.

    I don't mean to effend anyone, but events like this are a test of your skills and show you where you are in the game at the moment. This also gives you a chance to improve next month by using less pots.

    Also, a big problem with complaining about difficulty is that alot of people are requesting a harder mode. I fully expect a Grandmaster mode to be added by the end of the year as 1 of the ways to make higher resources more available. If this does happen, then will people also complain about the difficulty of this new mode.

    I hope the new mode is very hard and forces most of us to need to use pots again to give us a way to improve our own skills.
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    This guy finds it difficult because kabam took away his mods, he admitted to using mods so of course he will get ripped into and laughed at for being unable to beat easy content now.

    I am sorry why would u assume him to be a cheater. I feel its not right to accuse someone without any evidence. So @Mr_Platypus please give any evidence to his crimes and then call him a cheater!!
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Grufty wrote: »
    For everyone complaining that Master mode is too difficult, the answer is simple - improve your roster and skills.

    I don't mean to effend anyone, but events like this are a test of your skills and show you where you are in the game at the moment. This also gives you a chance to improve next month by using less pots.

    Also, a big problem with complaining about difficulty is that alot of people are requesting a harder mode. I fully expect a Grandmaster mode to be added by the end of the year as 1 of the ways to make higher resources more available. If this does happen, then will people also complain about the difficulty of this new mode.

    I hope the new mode is very hard and forces most of us to need to use pots again to give us a way to improve our own skills.

    I totally agree with the point of improving our rosters and skills in order to progress at a decent pace and to be able to improve our performance in upcoming events. It's either that(which is what makes it entertaining for me) or spend an amount of money my uneducated/inexperienced guess would place in the $1000+ neighborhood, to buy champs and everything else needed to breeze through the content(not entertaining for me). But maybe I'm incorrectly interpreting the main subject of the OPs post. I understood it to be more about the noticeable gap in difficulty between the levels and how many potions are needed in order for a player to revive a champs lost hp from a fight and lastly, how unbalanced it is between time/resources invested and rewards acquired. And to those points I personally agree to. To each their own course, and I dont find fault in anyone who is less skilled at the game and voice their dissatisfaction nor find it absurd as some do, that players invest a fairly large sum of money in order to obtain their goals. With that said, my following statement and question is in no way implied to be a negative or cynical one. I've completed 100% all of the "original" story quest, completed 5.1(not 100%) and currently trying my best at Act 5.2(stuck at 5.2.4 lines in sand). Have made numerous arena runs and have posted a max. Of 5.5 mil a couple times and 100% most Event quests. So I can confidently say that along with free crystal pots, we do not get anywhere near the amount of them that is worth much if we get in a tough spot and need to replenish a champs hp even more so if its for more than 1 champ. Also, the amount of units we can farm from milestones is pretty limited and what I would consider below what is necessary as compared to the cost of buying lvl 4 or 5 pots(I use most on energy and alliance gifts). Your last statement made me very curious, and would truly like to know if there is a champ roster and or skill level obtainable where pots and revives no longer are needed? I'm not as bad as some and definitely not as good as others, and would like to know if its even realistic for me to get where you and others like you seem to be. Thanks for your input!
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    WOK wrote: »
    Grufty wrote: »
    For everyone complaining that Master mode is too difficult, the answer is simple - improve your roster and skills.

    I don't mean to effend anyone, but events like this are a test of your skills and show you where you are in the game at the moment. This also gives you a chance to improve next month by using less pots.

    Also, a big problem with complaining about difficulty is that alot of people are requesting a harder mode. I fully expect a Grandmaster mode to be added by the end of the year as 1 of the ways to make higher resources more available. If this does happen, then will people also complain about the difficulty of this new mode.

    I hope the new mode is very hard and forces most of us to need to use pots again to give us a way to improve our own skills.

    I totally agree with the point of improving our rosters and skills in order to progress at a decent pace and to be able to improve our performance in upcoming events. It's either that(which is what makes it entertaining for me) or spend an amount of money my uneducated/inexperienced guess would place in the $1000+ neighborhood, to buy champs and everything else needed to breeze through the content(not entertaining for me). But maybe I'm incorrectly interpreting the main subject of the OPs post. I understood it to be more about the noticeable gap in difficulty between the levels and how many potions are needed in order for a player to revive a champs lost hp from a fight and lastly, how unbalanced it is between time/resources invested and rewards acquired. And to those points I personally agree to. To each their own course, and I dont find fault in anyone who is less skilled at the game and voice their dissatisfaction nor find it absurd as some do, that players invest a fairly large sum of money in order to obtain their goals. With that said, my following statement and question is in no way implied to be a negative or cynical one. I've completed 100% all of the "original" story quest, completed 5.1(not 100%) and currently trying my best at Act 5.2(stuck at 5.2.4 lines in sand). Have made numerous arena runs and have posted a max. Of 5.5 mil a couple times and 100% most Event quests. So I can confidently say that along with free crystal pots, we do not get anywhere near the amount of them that is worth much if we get in a tough spot and need to replenish a champs hp even more so if its for more than 1 champ. Also, the amount of units we can farm from milestones is pretty limited and what I would consider below what is necessary as compared to the cost of buying lvl 4 or 5 pots(I use most on energy and alliance gifts). Your last statement made me very curious, and would truly like to know if there is a champ roster and or skill level obtainable where pots and revives no longer are needed? I'm not as bad as some and definitely not as good as others, and would like to know if its even realistic for me to get where you and others like you seem to be. Thanks for your input!

    I agree that pots are not very good value, personally I think they should heal a percentage like the revives do but that's a different discussion.

    Regarding champ roster and skill level for not needing potions, I save them up for difficult content.

    I have about 10 5/50s and 3 3/45s (I need 3000 mystic shards and then I'm ranking up my 1st 4/55 - magik). So as you can see that's not great compared to alot of people (I do have loads of cats though just haven't used them yet)

    I 100% Master every month without using pots, I used a few to 100% 5.1 and used quite a few to finish 1st run off 5.2 I've finished road but haven't attempted LOL yet. I save all the potions I can get for the difficult content so that I don't need to spend units, I'm a f2p player (I may have spent £20 in 2 years of playing) so don't like having to rely on units.

    However, with a bit of a grind you can earn close to 5000 units a month so even as a f2p player it wouldn't take me long to prepare for content like LOL, I'm more waiting for certain champions before I have that on so I'm the mean time I hoping for a higher level monthly quest to challenge myself and hopefully earn more resources to make LOL easier.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    OP - you think this content is tough? You should have seen trying to do Act 3 with 2* and 3*
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    I am gonna make another post some may call "unhelpful", but the difference is, I'm at basically the same level as OP.

    I have only completed one quest in Master and it took a ****-ton of resources for me to do it (wouldn't even think about trying to 100% it). Ultimately I think it was probably not worth the cost. But guess what? I'm doing a hell of a lot better than I did a few months ago. Things that were impossible for me at one time are actually kind of easy now. I completely gave up on Act 4 a while back, but then I improved my roster, and yes, got better at the damn game and I'm now getting kinda close to finishing it (around 80% now). I know I'm getting better and my roster is getting more powerful and things are getting easier and easier all the time. There are still a lot of things I completely suck at, like baiting specials. But I am trying to get better, not just whining about how hard it is.

    As others have said, QUIT PLAYING TWO ACCOUNTS! Devote all your time and resources to one account. I've been playing about as long as you have and I have a lot more stuff than you. And I don't spend ANY money on the game anymore and I've never even been in an alliance so I don't get any of those rewards.

    If you wanna quit, OK go ahead and quit. Otherwise, stop using one of your accounts and get better at the game. Build up one roster rather than diluting two. Either way, stop crying.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I agree with all of this. Master is beatable with 4* r4 champs without potions. There hasn't been a "hard" master event since that xmen event. And before that it was the previous xmen event (everyone remember the power gain unblockable l2 magneto and the power start 1 or 2 with power gain og vision that synthesized to l3 immediately?). Lmao. The hardest thing about this event was paying attention to the gg bg1 pumpkin bomb and not getting distracted by the seemingly 1000 arms of doc oc. I think you should pick one account and do more arena.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    And also, a lot of us actually like harder content.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    This guy finds it difficult because kabam took away his mods, he admitted to using mods so of course he will get ripped into and laughed at for being unable to beat easy content now.

    He never said he used a mod, he made a comment that was "removed by a mod" in the thread to clarify.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    From the Comments:
    I agree with getting in a good alliance. The boss killers in the one I joined have definitely challenged me to improve in gameplay and get good at things I avoided earlier on like parry, evade/dexterity, etc. This made me WAY better with my current champs so I didn't have to wait for better ones. They also made me more sensitive to champ abilities and counter abilities to use to my advantage.

    I also complete Master event with no 5* only 4* although I admit that what 4*'s you have exactly can make a BIG difference as well as luck on T4class cat. I don't care what anyone says. There's always "those champs" that pretty much everyone wants.

    It is either lots of time OR lots of money or both. That is how you get the best stuff. Doing a little of either or both makes for very slow progress indeed.

    The commenters who claim to be "never spenders" are either fibbing a little or play for insane amounts of time to get any decent progress in short time.
    I have found that spending a little and playing a little at the same nets slow results. Once you have some ranked up 4*s you should be able to complete master and quite a bit of other content which opens it up quite a bit for faster progress. Then of course 6*s are introduced.....
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    While I agree now Master is a breeze for most experienced vets, as a community I wish we would offer suggestions that help fellow players, not bash them. I'm all for bashing Kabam, as my record in this forum shows. But fellow players should remember that we all start at the bottom (Unless you bought your account). Most of us know what it was like struggling with content and a lot of us had put the time in watching and learning from DorkyDave, Seatin or other alliance mates.

    I for one, know I could be better at it. There are times I've been the A*hole in the chat. There many times I disagreed and all out argued with certain forum posters. But for some reason this post struck a cord for me. I remember sitting with my neighbor who got me into this game and watching and learning how to get a streak or how to use masteries. I've been this gentleman and been super pissed on Mordo in Master after they fixed the BW bug or that damn Iceman a few masters back.

    I guess with all the stuff going on in the real world currently, I'm looking at this as an escape in some sorts and think if we could all pitch in and help someone a long the better the community will become. But bashers will be bashers, I'll do what I can but hope that those here to just bash find something better and more fulfilling in life.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @Grufty, thanks for the reply and info! I have to say it's borderline for me whether I can get to your level or just retire from the game as was my 1st goal when I started. Objective for playing was to be able to finish 100% all of the story quest without spending a dime. Funny thing is that I accomplished it and still playing cause I find it difficult to say farewell to my alliance teamates, many of whom I've played with since almost day 1 of my tenure, and made a handful of purchases afterwards(approx $150 US) bit more than you LoL. No exagerration about my stated gametime and accomplishments in my 1st post. If it wasn't for the nagging fact I have a business and family, I think it would have been possible for me to be at a higher level right now. LOL that was totally in jest I hope you all know! Anyhoo, this thread wasnt intended to be about me, so thanks again @Grufty for giving me some insight to what might be ahead. And if I had 1 advice for OP and any other fairly new to the game it would be this. Remember that the game is just a game, meant for your entertainment and time and experience is needed to advance. Try to find guidance from those who've been there before you willing to help. And for veterans I'd like to add, try to put yourself in the new guys/girls shoes and look to your own past experience to offer positive help rather than assume their difficulties are "not worthy". Have a good one folks!
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Generally speaking, for the average player, you have to beat the content needed to get the items you need in order to beat the content you just beat. The next hardest content is designed to do the same.

    It is called Psychological Engineering in video games. Yes these are hired positions.
    The job of the video game devs is not just gameplay but psychological motivations. To get most people close enough to the content to want it but far enough away from it to consider spending money on resources. It is a great business idea for making money and capitalizes on peoples willingness to spend impetuously. Marketing does this ALL THE TIME.

    Don't be so deceived. Psychoanalysis IS built into MMO in a major way. The OP discovered it as have 1000's of others. Nothing to be afraid of though. Just DECIDE what you are willing to put into it ahead of time as well as what you are willing to go without or wait for. The key is setting your expectations.

    If you get all the way to the boss but then KO your remaining champs and you don't have enough to revive what will you do? Start over and try for a better run? It will cost you time/energy. If you can wait. Wait and redo.
    Buy potions and revives? It will cost you units which cost you time. Don't have the time then it costs $$. I personally do a little of both since I do not have a lot of either. Plus I'm willing to wait.
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    Greywarden wrote: »
    OP - you think this content is tough? You should have seen trying to do Act 3 with 2* and 3*

    I am sorry for chiping this in but honestly doin act 3 with only 3 stars is easy
    Compared to doin masters with a limited roster of 4 and 3 stars. Moreover the difficulty of this masters quest is definately on the harder side due inclusion of Vulture and no-power GG!
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    If master is too hard, build your roster, rank up your champs, and go for the next one. It's master for a reason, not 'hey I can't beat this, so devs can you please make all the content easier for me?'.

    Master your champs, so you can beat master. Besides that, redundant.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    For those who say Master is "easy" maybe you waited too long to give it a shot?
    For those who say Master is "Too hard" maybe you haven't progressed enough?
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    Anyway...sorry for the knee jerk response. It was honest...but admittedly not overly helpful.

    My advice to you would be the same advice I give to all the people in the alliance I lead...arena arena arena.

    Arena is the key to all progression in this game. It gives you champs and ISO. It lets you hit milestones in events. It gets you gold. It gets you units. And it trains you. It trains you on every single characters animations. Every single special. Their abilities. Their heavies. It trains you how to fight. And then, after trains you how to not just fight, but to fight fast with your brain switched off. How to intercept and parry like a god. Which matchups work well and which ones are terrible.

    I was playing today and had a T4 class catalyst offer pop up on screen and I bought it straight away. And I could do that because I grind arena and hence had the units to do it immediately.

    I did all of act 4 100% without rank 5 champions. I also did master mode without rank 5's. It was tough, but completely possible with very few potions.

    Their is a lot of content in the game, and frankly a lot of people are asking for harder content all the time. Master mode for a lot of people these days (people who aren't using 5 stars mind you) is a piece of cake and just a formality to the rewards.

    Aside from setting your masteries up properly (which is crucial!), my single other piece of advice is arena. Arena arena arena...and you will be great at this game.

    Practice makes perfect.
    I agree with u mate...bcoz of the march arena system...u now have an arena of ur level to compete in..if u have time to do summoner sumthing arena..get three stars..then do original three star arena..get featured..rank them up..go for four stars if possible and u have ease in the bag my friend.and If u are a f2p player then I recommend u to watch brian grant videos on youtube!
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  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    This guy finds it difficult because kabam took away his mods, he admitted to using mods so of course he will get ripped into and laughed at for being unable to beat easy content now.

    He never said he used a mod, he made a comment that was "removed by a mod" in the thread to clarify.

    So it does, I've been reading it as "removed my mod" the whole time lol
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    See helping people these days simply doesn't pay

    It hardly does. Help people at work and you'll find yourself used and abused while the slackers get paid a ton for doing nothing but play MCOC at their desk. You might as well run an office charity event.

    At work, our local charity guy quit last year while Mr. Handout whines all day, waiting to retire in December (he claims he is being "forced" out). He won't even be 60. I guess he can work as a WalMart greeter when he retires.

    But this thread is funny in some ways.

    Imagine the world being like MCOC.

    Racing is a competitive event for "everyone". Anyone can join up and participate. Yet, every time I race against Usain Bolt (or insert any other fast runner like the fastest runner in 5th grade), I keep losing. The best advice the community can give me is that I need to run faster.

    Thanks for the tip! Never figured that out until now! I need to run faster!

    The reality is that there is no tip unless talking "Captain Obvious" is helpful.

    MCOC, races, and other events are indeed for everyone. Winning (to be specific, the rewards from winning), however, is not. There is only 1 winner in a race for instance. But at least with MCOC, you can spend money to get past the finish line if you can't run fast enough.

    This thread is just another example of people wanting handouts being disguised as being "too hard".

  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @VandalSavage, I'm not intentionally trying to single you out, just so happens that your post is the last one posted and first one I read reopening where I left off. Your post is well written and illustrative of some sad but true situations that do occur in life. I'm curious though, as to what is the purpose of your post and posts by others that share a similar tone of cynicism and negativity other than to possibly boost individual ego? Is there any benefit or constructive insight being added to the topic? I apologize if I failed to recognize any for I am a little slower than most, but is there a "genuine tip" being given within your comments in light of all the "captain obvious tips"? Does the fact that the general consensus of those offering help all pointing towards similar advice validate that it's "captain obvious" fodder? This MCOC community is your community as well as mine until either one of us decides to stop playing the game(another obvious irrelevant statement) Wouldnt it be better served for each of us to try and be respectful and considerate of everyone regardless of whether we agree with some or not, and bring to the table something positive and constructive? Admittedly, being positive and constructive is much more difficult than being cynical and offering nothing other than negativity. But that would be fairly on target with those of us that feel the game isnt that difficult and needs to get harder to be more enjoyable is it not? Maybe there's hope for us yet! :D
  • zolozolo Member Posts: 4
    Im back, two years later and you know wat this game is still op, my feelings about nightcrawler and hyp havent change, even wit a couple r4 5* but im feeling alot better as far as progression, but theres is still a big gap between master and uncollected, but i will say this if alot of ppl say its doable and i jus need practice, i can believe that, however when your successful at this game your logging on atleast 3 times a day for hours at a time, so to say im jus not good enough is an insult, but i did get through this months master quest on the second profile which i havent touched in years, team of 4 40s and one maxed out ultron, it wasnt too hard, but i wasnt easy, saying all this to say i Love this game, but jus feel lik some of the more loyal members should be rewarded for time and hard work, and i understand that some of the members have beyond god tier focus, dont focus on them, most of em are hackers anyway. Focus more on the pll that love you and they will love you back. #superior iron man best champ right now, would be nice if i had a rank down ticket, replaced with heimdall
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