LF Map 6 & G1/P4 - 10K+ Prestige

Just seeing what’s out there. 10k prestige Looking for a USA timezone group doing map 6 (some map 5 is cool too), and places at least in Gold 1 or Platinum 4 during seasons, with 100% across the board. Leave your Line ID & alliance tag below and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thanks 😄

Map 6 and 5
US based
Line -papabear9390
Maps 6 and 5
US EST, CST based BG
Line- zulu3t
Tag- [L×L]
Map 6 Top 250 and P4 War
Ally tag: DH-DŁ
P4 and map 6/top 150 AQ
IGN Blackened Duck
Ally tag IZZY