Champion Spotlight - Hyperion [2nd run]

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,301 ★★★★★
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
Original thread from previous forum

Well, I am still coming to terms with pulling Hyperion via a PHC and then awakening him with a pull from a 4* hero crystal 17 days later. I took him to rank four and he became the top champ on IG profile.

I don't know this character well and just starting to get familiar with his abilities.
There are a few questions.

a/ Any bug linked to Hyperion which is currently unfixed?

b/ Is his power gain activation somewhat similar to Wolverine's regeneration?
Is it worthwhile to activate his regen and when to do it? (is this really useful or just a nice to have? Holding 2s seems awfully long and also being exposed to attack; might as well try to finish up the fight where possible)

c/ Is he better for AW defense?
I rank and level up my best champs for AW defense as priority. If he goes into AW defense, I will have Juggernaut (usually sits on boss), Yellow Jacket, Ultron, and when Mystic advancement comes on, Mordo. Should Hyperion displace Juggernaut as boss?

Any other suggestions?
Many thanks.


  • edited August 2017
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  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    edited August 2017
    a/ very annoy when sometimes you block a ranged special and the timer goes off from his regen activation and you are stuck in the weakened state for a long while...

    b/ Is his power gain activation somewhat similar to Wolverine's regeneration?

    It is not. While wolverine regen is chance based, Hype's power gain is time based and can be improved further with higher sigs.

    Is it worthwhile to activate his regen and when to do it? (is this really useful or just a nice to have? Holding 2s seems awfully long and also being exposed to attack; might as well try to finish up the fight where possible)

    His regen is absolutely garbage. Maybe useful against weak low attack nodes. But he loses not only 3x of his attack bonus but also his defense. Without his cosmic charges, he takes quite a bit of damage.

    It's almost always better to finish off the fight then try to regen.

    c/ Is he better for AW defense?

    Hyperion is best when player controlled. Only nodes he would excel at in aw before the 15.0 patch would be all or nothing.

    I rank and level up my best champs for AW defense as priority. If he goes into AW defense, I will have Juggernaut (usually sits on boss), Yellow Jacket, Ultron, and when Mystic advancement comes on, Mordo. Should Hyperion displace Juggernaut as boss?

    Any other suggestions ?

    Lesser precision 5/5 adds nicely to his low crit base stat. Liquid courage is good, and 3/3 recoil can be useful against champs on thorn nodes previously.

    While mutant crit team is really good, cosmic supremacy works wonders also.

    Enhanced fury is actually a nice increase to his attack.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,301 ★★★★★
    I have 1 point on Lesser Precision and 5 on Precision. Could you explain to help me understand putting 5/5 on Lesser Precision?

    This champs gameplay is really different. When parry works, it's parry, heavy, parry, heavy to finish game.

    I have a few times the heavy is interrupted by AI. So, heavy is not a guarantee win.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,301 ★★★★★
    Guess a different strategy is needed in AQ. He worked very well against War Machine (apart from a separate topic about evading WM's special 1) but an absolute disaster against HB as 1st miniboss. I actually managed to regain full health using a 40% hp Wolverine against HB as 2nd miniboss.

    Is there something else I should do against powergain node?
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