When can we sell T4CC for t5cc????



  • Meatlips77Meatlips77 Member Posts: 19
    Markjv81 said:

    Not gonna happen for a while yet, everybody. It's on the radar, but like you said... There are a lot of Summoners sitting on a lot of T4CC Crystals, and letting Summoners sell their T4CC for T5CC devalues those extremely rare Catalysts.

    I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.

    Give us more opportunities to use our t4cc then.

    With the new changes coming, now is a good time to revisit this. Like I said above when I started this post, let us sell T4CC for a very small amount of t5cc. It would help get rid of people’s stockpile and satisfy the player base.
  • chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Member Posts: 362
    I am not gonna let kabam make money from me , no not me. I play without using money.i don't waste on game. Game is for fun to play not to waste your savings lol
    But surely i love this game alot
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  • Deadlygamer98Deadlygamer98 Member Posts: 743 ★★★
    1 t4cc will equal 50 t5cc shards is what is will probably be
  • Meatlips77Meatlips77 Member Posts: 19

    1 t4cc will equal 50 t5cc shards is what is will probably be

    I can deal with those numbers. I’m sure people would be willing to trade for even less like 25 t5cc if they had the option. I was thinking this would be mainly for those that are less than 1k shards away from forming a full t5cc and used to get over the small amount needed.
  • NøxNøx Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2020

    Not gonna happen for a while yet, everybody. It's on the radar, but like you said... There are a lot of Summoners sitting on a lot of T4CC Crystals, and letting Summoners sell their T4CC for T5CC devalues those extremely rare Catalysts.

    I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.

    Limit it so you can only sell like 4 t4cc a day for 200 t5cc fragments each. That way you can slowly transition to where they can openly be sellable without being game breaking. Even the largest whales accounts will slowly diminish their t4cc stash this way.
  • Trizzy_MillzTrizzy_Millz Member Posts: 30
    Crumb3307 said:

    Not gonna happen for a while yet, everybody. It's on the radar, but like you said... There are a lot of Summoners sitting on a lot of T4CC Crystals, and letting Summoners sell their T4CC for T5CC devalues those extremely rare Catalysts.

    I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.

    The longer they wait, the more t4cc those people gonna have.
    sad thing is, they are going to catalogue number of crystals that people have stashed and use that projection as a basis to deflate the trade in value. this is ridiculous. I understand not wanting to flood the market with r3 6*. But you have to find a better solution than, just wait on it. trading them in for a SELECTOR and not a random crystal would help.
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  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★

    Not gonna happen for a while yet, everybody. It's on the radar, but like you said... There are a lot of Summoners sitting on a lot of T4CC Crystals, and letting Summoners sell their T4CC for T5CC devalues those extremely rare Catalysts.

    I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.

    Devalue Kabams bank account u mean
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    Not gonna happen for a while yet, everybody. It's on the radar, but like you said... There are a lot of Summoners sitting on a lot of T4CC Crystals, and letting Summoners sell their T4CC for T5CC devalues those extremely rare Catalysts.

    I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.

    Devalue Kabams bank account u mean
    I mean obviously. A crucial part to a ongoing game is pacing and keeping the in game economy balanced. If people could semi-readily get r3 6*, people would hit content ceilings faster and stop playing.
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  • NøxNøx Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2020
    They way I suggested, being able to sell 4 t4cc for 200 t5cc fragments a day would take 225 of the same class t4cc and 57 days to form 1 t5cc. They’ll have to spread it out so tons of other class don’t just expire. So it would take about a year to get 1 t5cc of each class and 1,350 t4cc. Too quick? Make it 100 fragments for the sale of a t4cc, keeping the 4 per day limit, and double all those numbers so it’d be about 6 t5cc in 2 years and 2,700 t4cc needed. Wouldn’t call that flooding the market or devaluing t5cc any more than a minimal amount needed to transition.
  • 302n20302n20 Member Posts: 4
    Any update yet?
  • Heisenberg750Heisenberg750 Member Posts: 101
    edited September 2020
    One of the reasons that tempting to quit this game is T4CC droprate imbalance. Cant remember how much exactly but it should be atleast 30 t4 tech calalysts that wasted for me either by trading it for other classes or just by ranking up less usefull cuz i dont have single tech champ worth r4 in 5* and r2 in 6* ..All cuz i dont want hard earned resources just to be expired cuz of some stupid drop rate tat comes up whenvr i open those crystals to rankup champs from other classes that really worthy to upgrade and finally to Kabam its fine that we are not rewarded for the actual effort and time that we invest in this game but pls dont take and destroy those efforts and hard earned rewards just in the name of RNG
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    If Kabam is selling t5cc left and right, why can’t people who don’t want to spend or aren’t able to sell t4cc for a microscopic amount of t5cc?
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  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    If Kabam is selling t5cc left and right, why can’t people who don’t want to spend or aren’t able to sell t4cc for a microscopic amount of t5cc?

    As others have said, that's just the Kabam model. We accept it because it's how they make massive revenue. All your proposing is for them to take away their income so that you can have access to shiny new items faster. If they give you your request, how do you propose they make money instead?

    I didn't buy them either. But my philosophy is that paying for these deals is like paying for early access. I'll have to wait longer, but sooner or later I'll form my t5cc anyway.
    Early access is a good way to look at it. I don’t buy them because I don’t have 50$ to just burn.
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