tips and tricks for struggling players
hello everyone i have made this discussion to see if anyone has any tips and tricks for people who are struggling with fighting techniques when using champions and how they could become better at it so they can progress in quests story quests aw and aq etc. so if anyone has any tricks or tips for players like me who are struggling with quests thanks!
Note and research your entire Champion Team to understand all the fundamentals of the BattleRealm and become comfortable using the finger command controls. Familiarize all Buffs and Abilities including De-Buffs. Learn of the various Champion Passive Abilities and Active Abilities amongst Special Attacks.
Using has been greatly resourceful when delving into Marvel Champions to compare and contrast all Attributes and Statistics before upgrading and Ranking-Up any Champion for the Team.
Champions will always have a strength and weaknesses in addition to favorable and unfavorable match-ups based on Abilities and Counter-Abilities. Many of the Champion Spotlight Showcases have included that section with other important information like Synergy Bonuses.
Before Synergies are viewed - Masteries should be completed although it's highly dependent on your Champion Levels yet can greatly increase Attack Damage and other Statistics. Learning some of the Defensive and Utility Passives is highly recommended.