LF Line based alliance

Ingame: ΛИΙΜΛL
Rating: 1,168,180
Prestige: 9334
Activity: (moderate&active)
Aq Map experience:1-5
War tier experience: 20-8
Time Zone: EST
Boss killer: (Yes/AQ 50/50AW)
Looking for: AQ that score between 1700-2700 rank rewards Preferred 55444 or 5/5/4 alliance AW Optional during off season 3 groups during season
When available: immediately
Additional comments: I can be a **** at times but I’m a overall team player 9/10 I keep to myself so
Any other questions just ask
Only LINE!!
Don’t bother if u use a different chat app
And please no map6
Thanks have a good day
Rating: 1,168,180
Prestige: 9334
Activity: (moderate&active)
Aq Map experience:1-5
War tier experience: 20-8
Time Zone: EST
Boss killer: (Yes/AQ 50/50AW)
Looking for: AQ that score between 1700-2700 rank rewards Preferred 55444 or 5/5/4 alliance AW Optional during off season 3 groups during season
When available: immediately
Additional comments: I can be a **** at times but I’m a overall team player 9/10 I keep to myself so
Any other questions just ask
Only LINE!!
Don’t bother if u use a different chat app
And please no map6
Thanks have a good day

In game name: Tiberiass-1
We've got a spot open for ya. Chill alliance, map 5 only.