Is Kabam partners with Marvel or do they have to pay copyrights

JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
There has been some really great Marvel shows with great potential for playable characters that seem to be missing in Kabam. No Jessica Jones, no Runaways , no Cloak and Dagger almost none of the Gifted mutants. They could be so amazing . The Runaways team is so diverse we can have a character for each class and a great storyline. Cloak and Dagger could have wonderful synergy, the Gifted mutants would be super interesting and Fenris would also be an amazing synergy

So if it’s not a matter of copyrights but simply a matter of preference could I officially petition the Kabam team to look at these teams for the next storylines.


  • ThehereticTheheretic Member Posts: 110
    Marvel/ Disney does not own Kabam. Marvel allows the use of their characters (for a cost of course) and they have ultimate control over how they are used, who is used and when. This is why we haven't seen the Fantastic Four, Galactus, the Heralds of Galactus and Dr Doom (and other FF villians like Annihilus and Diablo) until now. Marvel would not allow them to appear while Fox still owned the Movie rights.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    All of those shows have been cancelled. If marvel is going to have a television series character added to this game it would be from a new series that they currently own instead of basing them off of already cancelled characters.
  • LazuliLazuli Member Posts: 94
    Who cares if they’re cancelled? There’s still plenty of great characters from those shows, & they’re still marvel characters, most of whom came from the comics. Polaris for example, I don’t see any reason why they couldn’t add her, she’s literally magnetos daughter. If they could find a way to incorporate Fenris it would be insane, and reeds powers could be really awesome in game visual-wise. Everyone has been asking for cloak & dagger and they’re like able enough that people will still want them in game , show or not. I don’t feel like the shows being cancelled are gonna have any impact on how well the characters are received or how much money they’d make if done right.
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    They definitely have the ability to use character designs from the Marvel Studios movies, and obviously from the comics; it’s seemed like they don’t have rights to any tv shows or non-MCU movies (so we have x-men characters, but not characters from the X-men movies, for example).
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    There has been some really great Marvel shows with great potential for playable characters that seem to be missing in Kabam. No Jessica Jones, no Runaways , no Cloak and Dagger almost none of the Gifted mutants. They could be so amazing . The Runaways team is so diverse we can have a character for each class and a great storyline. Cloak and Dagger could have wonderful synergy, the Gifted mutants would be super interesting and Fenris would also be an amazing synergy

    So if it’s not a matter of copyrights but simply a matter of preference could I officially petition the Kabam team to look at these teams for the next storylines.

    They have a road map they follow. It's very likely that all of 2020 is already planned out. If you want them, put them in the wishlist thread. Kabam doesnt work for Marvel, they work with their creative team to ensure characters come out in a way Marvel would be happy with.
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