R2 or no

JerkobsonJerkobson Member Posts: 163 ★★
While waiting for a champ to r3 (pulled a tech t5 from abyss) I am in the mood to rank up someone. Pulled 6* sabertooth and venom today. R2? Or suffer with the roster I have for now?

R2 or no 15 votes

R2 Sabertooth
R2 Venom
Jim0172Lvernon15DonnymeijMoosetiptronicTankRichardsonDeaconChubsWhiteFiiNCHlowlevelplayerFluffy_paws 10 votes
Save your resources you dolt.
Blubfish_666B_Dizzle_01MoudouForgotten2TheSaith 5 votes


  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    R2 Venom
    Venom is much more useful BUT if you've completed Abyss already it's just for giggles either of them lol
  • JerkobsonJerkobson Member Posts: 163 ★★

    Venom is much more useful BUT if you've completed Abyss already it's just for giggles either of them lol

    Partially just to have someone new to play with, but still looking at worth. I have abyss explore and act 6 explore to do still.

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