Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for Allaince

Looking for an alliance.
Wanting AQ atleast 555 but hoping for 655
AW has to be gold preferred gold 2 but I don't mind.

I have Line and Discord.
Line - itstheoj


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    Ken1378Ken1378 Posts: 279 ★★★
    I sent you an invite. We should be back in Gold 3 next season. Let me know if you have any questions. IGN: Ken13781378
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    ChimpyboyChimpyboy Posts: 124
    We are 5x5, ranked 1,100 overall AQ last week, Gold 2

    HMU in game (smoted) or on discord smoted#7943
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    ChimpyboyChimpyboy Posts: 124
    edited April 2020
    hmu if still looking?
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    Chadpool1Chadpool1 Posts: 348
    Hi. Chadpool1 (Line) here. I’m with the Deadpool Corps (Dp&u2), and we are looking for AQ minded individuals and some that dig War.

    In War we only do two groups so that people can concentrate on other stuff. You can cycle in and out to get your 5 Wars for rewards.

    We are more focused on a strong AQ. You will grow your account very quickly with us. We typically run 544 first day then 443 for the rest of the week. That way you can focus on other parts of the game too, but maximize rewards.

    We Just Ask That You Be Active.

    Talkative helps too
    We are on Line app so that helps.

    So if the Deadpool Corps (Dp&u2) sounds like a place you can call home let me know. There’s only a couple spots open at the moment
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