Event Quest Expert Proving Grounds

Kabam I have 5 x 4 star champions stuck in the ether of waiting for Tier 4 catalysts. So I've been playing Expert Proving grounds to get my crystal shares. When you complete the easier path to the final Champion he is around 6000, but once complete you attempt the 2800-3200 path this champion is upgraded to 12000. First why wouldn't you get some relief by reducing the final boss links and second 6000 to 12000 is too big of a leap. I think I've attempted this 5 or 6 times, burned all my units and all of my saved revives to no avail. I get that you are in business to make money, but you've made these final bosses too difficult and you've earned a very dissatisfied customer. Im done!


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    You just need to play more and develop more skills, if you looking for t4 basic finish act 4, master mode monthly quests and make sure you are in an alliance that does AQ regularly. A 12,000 PI boss isn't difficult at all, with the right skill set they can easily be taken down even with 3 star champions. Get parry and evade if you don't have them yet and you shouldn't have a problem with those bosses
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    what Sungj said. if you're burning potions and units to do the middle path, don't do it until you improve your skill and/or champs. i used to use potions on the easy path, now i can do the easy and medium paths without any item use.
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  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I struggled with this event at first too. Now, I can do it without too much trouble. My skills are better and so is my roster.

    The one criticism I have for this area is that I see more of the known bugs (dropped blocks, champ inputs not working, etc.) in this event than I see other places. I don't know why that is.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    You just need to play more and develop more skills, if you looking for t4 basic finish act 4, master mode monthly quests and make sure you are in an alliance that does AQ regularly. A 12,000 PI boss isn't difficult at all, with the right skill set they can easily be taken down even with 3 star champions. Get parry and evade if you don't have them yet and you shouldn't have a problem with those bosses

    I agree with each point you've made, except the 12K PI boss being easily taken down with a 3* champ. Obviously I need to get more skills because I can't do it. LOL But I do empathize with OP that it can be difficult and frustrating for someone who isnt quite at the lvl necessary to competitively play against beefed up opponents. To have the proper masteries setup also requires quite a bit of resources and game completion(Story quests) to have the points and specific masteries opened in order to reap the added benefits. IMO opinion, those are not as easily accessible for newer players as it is for veteran players. Same thing goes for T4b even in an alliance running AQ regularly. Our "casual "alliance runs Map4 regularly and occasionally 5. On avg. The crystals earned and the RR(placing approx. 2k-4k) for the entire event usually yield about maybe 1/3 the frags for 1 T4b unless the rarely lucky drop of a full T4b from a crystal is received. Probably just me, but I feel it requires too much time invested along with resources to get whats needed to upgrade 4* champs. Past rank3. OP, all I can say is be patient, get some more playing experience if needed, and keep treading along and have fun playing. Eventually you'll get to a point where you'll find it easier. GL to you!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Having content harder than you are comfortable with is how you get better at the game. You probably play too aggressively and/or need to work on baiting specials.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Its **** advice but I was there too a while ago (unblockable specials used to get me every time) so I just quit the path once it got to a point where I needed to revive and saved the units. Once it became obvious I didn't have good enough champs or not enough skill then I waited until I pulled different champs with better abilities and practiced more until I could get it done.

    Now I complain about the the shards available in the quest at 100% instead of the boss rating. It's a lot of energy for not much reward.

    100% heroic quest every month and take the easy path of expert, if you have a roster around 100k then maybe think about the T4B arena when you have time to really grind it and burn the units refreshing your top champs but be prepared to grind hard and use all your champs because you'll get blown away by the AI and will need to start again fairly regularly.

    They will get easier to come by,, best advice is not to waste them ranking up **** champs. You can finish most of the ordinary content with ordinary 3/30's, don't rank 4 anyone that isn't worthy or doesn't have a specific use.

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