Are You looking for a new Alliance?

Another month coming to a close and time to dump dead weight.Reading through most of the people looking for new alliances they mostly say what they wont do before joining your alliance but tell you what rewards they want,that's like applying for a job saying I to be paid this but I don't work overtime or on weekends..If you are like that just searching for the next big payday,you are too over qualified to join our alliance..We are UFTA:Up From The Ashes a 4million Alliance looking for DAILY,ACTIVE and PRODUCTIVE Members.We seek member over 75K with at least 11_4stars to cover AQ and AWs.We do all WEEKLY EVENTS with minimums 3 Day Completion 15K,3 Day Perfect Series 1,500,3 Day Arena Combat 10K,Item Use 4-5K,1 Day Duels 450...7 Day Summoners 6-9K....Treasury Donations..Gold 100k,Battlechips 15K,Loyalty 9K..We are currently doing Map 4,but may drop to Map 3 once we dump the dead weight.If you are already on Facebook we use Facebook messenger..You can contact tommygunn58 in game.Thanks for taking the time to read and we are NOT looking to merge with another Alliance.
Image may contain: night, fire and text
Image may contain: night, fire and text