Next r5/r2?

Just finished exploring Act 5 and got enough resource to r5 or r2 another champ after my first two (Corvus and Ageon). My next objective should be variant 2 and 3, and LoL, have already explored variant 4. I have a 5 star 4 to 5 mutant rank up gem, so if I take up Emma, I can rank up another one, but I have hold off so far. Also, I am running full suicide. My top 5 stars 

and all 6 stars are shown in the picture. If I r5 cap is, I have a science gem and can take to sig 70, I may need to get a few more t2a first as he is r3 at the moment

and all 6 stars are shown in the picture. If I r5 cap is, I have a science gem and can take to sig 70, I may need to get a few more t2a first as he is r3 at the moment
Next r5/r2? 41 votes
I voted CapIW because his block proficiency is gonna save ur life in Act 6 (all of it) and make sure to chuck ALL science and generic stones into him, his utility is what I am after.
I have never used BWCV but I hear she is great.
Starky was my first R5 and I still love him for like UC EQ but his low block proficiency and health pool means his use in Act 6 is limited. He is still great for 6.1 though.
CapIW will help u a lot more
By the way, is unduped starky worth r4 at least? Is he really useful for v3 even unduped? I have a 3 to 4 tech gem and can rank him up now but I would prefer to use on Ghost or Sentinel if I ever pulled them