Sunspot mutant/warlock syngergy

I awoke sunspot and max sig him for his warlock syngery for mutants and his red hulk syngery for capt iw. However, his warlock syngery is broken(60% inc in ability accuracy during sps). I tried 3 mutants in ROL fights. For Namor the ability accuracy worked. However for Domino (sp1 and sp2 should now have sig inc in bleed chance) and colossus (sp2 should generate sig inc in armor buffs), there was absolutely no difference in either ability accuracy with or without the syngery despite many rol fights. With the syngery at a max sig level, domino should cause bleeding with almost every hit and colossus should be getting double the armor buffs with an sp2. I was hoping someone from Kabam could fix it or tell me why this is not the case.
So 25% x 1.60 = 40%
So its still less than a 50% chance for her bleed to activate on a sp1
Shehulks slow and DV’s dup are additive
While spidergwens evade is multiplicative when against unblockable
For example with colossus using my interpretation he should be at 100% sp2 and with your interpretation he should be at 80%. I did 10 sp2s in rol to test and added up total armors and armors gained.
Without syngery total armors at time of sp2 activation was 150 with 72 armor gained=48%.
With syngery total armors at time of sp2 activation was 165 with 74 armor gained=45%. I can take that amount of difference to be rng based. However at 80% ability accuracy (your interpretation) he should have gained 132 armors. Clearly not working. I noticed similar issues with domino (a little tougher to test given lucky ability accuracy variable on top) but I did a quick forum search afterwards and was not the first person to notice the lack of change with domino. She was not procuring bleeds at any noticable different %.
my assumption has always been if its an ability that can stack, aka AA neuro, it is additive. If something says it increases by a %, it is multiplicative (is that a word?)