Nick Fury LMD issue?

kmac_qtpkmac_qtp Member Posts: 62
This may be by design, but I figured I'd bring it up just in case.

I was using 5* awakened Nick Fury and applied an internal bleed on Shehulk, then pushed her to SP3 at the end of the fight hoping she'd throw it and get me to the real Nick Fury phase.

She ended up throwing an SP3 with almost no health left, she took my health to 1% and activated the real Nick Fury, and then she was KO'd almost immediately after the SP3 animation ended and my health was at 2 (not 2%) and in the next fight I was started in the real Nick Fury phase with that 2 HP.

I'm guessing that my health didn't increase at all after the SP3 before Shehulk was KO'd and my health was just carried over as-is rather than going back to 100% and degening the way it would during a match.


  • kmac_qtpkmac_qtp Member Posts: 62
    Actually, it just dawned on me that I was on a Buffet path. That may have also been the issue.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Because the healing isn’t truly immediate that can happen
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