Quake gets critical failure against domino with Hawkeye synergy

Hawkeye synergy should prevent quake from getting critical failure but this happened to me in variant 4:
Any idea why?

Any idea why?
The synergy is supposed to counter that
Crit failure can apply to ALL champs if the ability does not have 100% to proc
If sparky is getting hit he will be crit failed unless he evades
I think it might have to do that the BW one also increases AA potency
If Domino's -15% AA is applied first, you will have 85% AA.
If the synergy is then applied, and adds it's 15% to 85%, then you have 97.75% AA
edit: Actually this works both ways, regardless of which is applied first - you always end up with 97.75%, as long as the second modifier is applied to the result of the first...
Wouldn’t be surprised if HE is actually giving +15% offensive/defensive AA instead of AA given how they have explained his contribution in the past.
“Meanwhile, Hawkeye's synergy works for the entire team that you bring. That one just affects the accuracy of status effects. That means abilities like Hawkeye's Hemorrhage also status effects like Black Panther's CW Armor ups will trigger more often. Hope you guys have fun with this new synergy!”