Who should I rank 5 next? Listed are my current rank 4's

Ice_and_FireIce_and_Fire Member Posts: 220
Pick one and comment why

Who should I rank 5 next? Listed are my current rank 4's 7 votes

Void- sig= 133
Corvus sig=71
LexSaviAgent_X_zzz 2 votes
Nick fury sig = 21
Lvernon15Moudou 2 votes
Omega red sig= 200
blurblotQfuryReplix2u 3 votes
Domino sig 32
Human torch sig 6
Mysterio not awake
Angela not awake
Iceman sig 37


  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
    Corvus sig=71
    Without context, I’d say Corvus. Great damage. Suicide friendly. Good for a lot of content. Doesn’t need a high sig or have to rely on synergies.
  • MoudouMoudou Member Posts: 151
    Nick fury sig = 21
    Corvus, NF, OR, Domino are all great options. U can't go wrong there. If u are running suicides, OR and Corvus are the top options, if u don't I would put NF and Domino the priorities. Unless u pull 6-star Corvus or Domino, u should eventually R5 ALL those 4 champs. That's what I would do
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Omega red sig= 200
    If you have suicides, omega red or corvus if not then 100% NF
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