Worst Champions For Each Class?

Which Champions are the least useful for your Team? Whether it's due to a weak Signature Ability, mediocre Passives and Abilities or lackluster Synergy Bonuses?
For me it's probably Abomination despite having love for Defender Champions - even with Poison Immunity. While he can produce significant Poison Damage - I believe many other Science-Class Champions offer higher productivity. Despite having more Maximum Health than most others within the Science-Class - Abomination becomes susceptible to Bleed despite that being the trigger for some of his Poison Damage. Perhaps when I can maximize a full Roster with Poison Immunity for Suicide Masteries then I will change my stance on Abomination.
Kingpin might be the least helpful Skill-Class a Champion for Damage capability. Even with his Signature Ability available - he becomes too reliant upon receiving De-Buffs from the opponent for Rage Charges. His Fury Buffs require a combination of 3 Heavy Attacks within 2.5 seconds to trigger and does not allow Unstoppable Buff to activate. Overpower Mode might offer Unblockable but only applies to Special Attacks however Heavy Attacks apply Unstoppable for an impressive 7 seconds duration as long as Kingpin does not have any Fury Buffs active.
Rogue is awful but Psylocke is the worst. Any type of Physical Attacks will reduce her Power Gain Ability which makes the bonus Critical Damage Rating nearly useless. Furthermore the less Power Meter the opponent has the more Critical Damage Boost becomes available. While Power Lock and Power Drain can be useful - many Mystic Champions have Counter-Abilities or Passives. Forcing the Player to only utilize Block and Special Attacks for the Champion to be successful can be more difficult compared to different Mutant-Class characters.
Vision (Aarkus) is really cool with some resemblance to Mysterio despite being a Cosmic-Class Champion yet is rather fragile with low-tier Maximum Health amongst lacking efficient Armor Rating. While Vision has great advantage versus Robotic Champions with Armor Shatter De-Buff plus Power Gain, Armor Break and Fury; he will struggle versus high Energy Resistance Champions or Coldsnap Immune Champions.
Interested in what other Players think and will comment more after checking through my Champion Roster as I re-evaluate all Abilities.
For me it's probably Abomination despite having love for Defender Champions - even with Poison Immunity. While he can produce significant Poison Damage - I believe many other Science-Class Champions offer higher productivity. Despite having more Maximum Health than most others within the Science-Class - Abomination becomes susceptible to Bleed despite that being the trigger for some of his Poison Damage. Perhaps when I can maximize a full Roster with Poison Immunity for Suicide Masteries then I will change my stance on Abomination.
Kingpin might be the least helpful Skill-Class a Champion for Damage capability. Even with his Signature Ability available - he becomes too reliant upon receiving De-Buffs from the opponent for Rage Charges. His Fury Buffs require a combination of 3 Heavy Attacks within 2.5 seconds to trigger and does not allow Unstoppable Buff to activate. Overpower Mode might offer Unblockable but only applies to Special Attacks however Heavy Attacks apply Unstoppable for an impressive 7 seconds duration as long as Kingpin does not have any Fury Buffs active.
Rogue is awful but Psylocke is the worst. Any type of Physical Attacks will reduce her Power Gain Ability which makes the bonus Critical Damage Rating nearly useless. Furthermore the less Power Meter the opponent has the more Critical Damage Boost becomes available. While Power Lock and Power Drain can be useful - many Mystic Champions have Counter-Abilities or Passives. Forcing the Player to only utilize Block and Special Attacks for the Champion to be successful can be more difficult compared to different Mutant-Class characters.
Vision (Aarkus) is really cool with some resemblance to Mysterio despite being a Cosmic-Class Champion yet is rather fragile with low-tier Maximum Health amongst lacking efficient Armor Rating. While Vision has great advantage versus Robotic Champions with Armor Shatter De-Buff plus Power Gain, Armor Break and Fury; he will struggle versus high Energy Resistance Champions or Coldsnap Immune Champions.
Interested in what other Players think and will comment more after checking through my Champion Roster as I re-evaluate all Abilities.
Visions Aarkus as worst cosmic WHAT??? he is a great champion solid demi god tier, and you say he is the worst have you ever seen Groot?
Kingpin is not the worst Skill, at least he is useable in V2 Falcon is much worse