9.8Mil Alliance [StnkD] Recruiting High Prestige Players/ No spending required

Hello Fellow Marvel Fanatics! We are always looking to improve our family and rankings! Come help us in our quest :wink:

A lil about us...We have 11 Alliance in the Stink Family, There is an Alliance for you no matter what your goals.

We Do not require you to spend money and we are currently NOT running Map 6 but still looking to rank in the top 300. Help us Achieve this goal by joining our crew with high Prestige rated members. We currently have placed Rank 333 344 and 330 in the past AQ runs... a bit more Prestige bumps will get us under the 300 mark and u can HELP ! :wink:

Alliance Name - Stink Nuggets Delta - Tag - [StnkD]
Most Recent AQ Rank - 333
War Rating - 1,683 -Tier 2
Alliance Rating - 9,821,112
Average Member Rating - 327,370
Date Alliance Created - 10/26/2015
Run AQ Map- 5x5
Communication - GroupMe App

Requirements to join Include but are subject to negotiation, so pls ask us if u are interested. - -

Prestige - 4900+
Groupme App
Must Finish AQ Lanes, Boss Killers Always Welcome but not required :smiley:
Donations - 135k Gold, 13k Loyalty, 30k Battlechips weekly
Communicate and Tag ppl when nodes are down or bosses open
Duel Events - 650
Required to Help out in all events but no minimum requirements just a lil participation :wink:

If u have any questions, concerns, comments, pls leave a msg here, PM me, or send a friends request ingame.
You may Contact me Ingame as SHLV23 or ShiveringKnight (yes i have 2 accounts) I Prefer u Contact me on SHLV23
or Contact our Leader - HITMANREAPER1 or Officer- BronxHugeth, pls let them know u read the post on the forums :smiley::wink:

Hope to see some of you soon! otherwise Enjoy the Battles :wink:

-- SHLV23 [StnkD]
-- ShiveringKnight [Stnk INC]


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