Help with inequity?

I was just curious how it works. Does it work for stacked debuffs? For instance, I'm on level 1 of inequity so I get 2% attack reduction on my enemy for each debuff I apply. If X-23 stacks 5 bleeds on my opponent will they then have attack decreased by 10% (1 for each bleed) or just 2% (1 for the bleed debuff in general.) If I have an armor break and 2 stacks of bleed would it be a 6% reduction (1 for the armor break, 2 for the bleed) of just 4% (1 for the armor and one for the bleed.) It isn't very clear so I'd like to know before advancing it. Thank you.
I have some doubts about inequity mastery. If I understand it works when my champion suffers some negative effect. Is it right?
No it work when uor opponent suffer from debuff.