Return to MCOC

Hello my fellow summoners,
I used to play this game religiously and was a Day 1 player until Christmas 2015, when I dropped the game because it started to take over my life. I recently saw an ad and thought, "Hey I remember that game. I'm a responsible adult now, maybe I should get back into it." I remember I had a pretty OK account for the time (my alliance buddies cursed me for my luck with 4 stars), so I figured it would take a little effort, nothing too hard.
I was incredibly wrong.
I come back to this bombardment of info and have been wholly overwhelmed by this game's progress.
Incursion who?
Suicides what?
How many Acts?
Alpha catalysts aren't mythical creatures anymore? (T2 at least)
Everyone has 4 stars?
5 stars as common as McDonald's locations?
6 stars? SIX STARS!!??
I was staggered to say the least.
Is it worth getting back into the game? If it is should I keep my old account or restart fresh? How much catch up am I gonna have to do to make up for the past 4-5 years? IS MAGNETO STILL ****? I would like your opinion.
This my current box (just copped that Medusa, no idea if she's good or not):

I used to play this game religiously and was a Day 1 player until Christmas 2015, when I dropped the game because it started to take over my life. I recently saw an ad and thought, "Hey I remember that game. I'm a responsible adult now, maybe I should get back into it." I remember I had a pretty OK account for the time (my alliance buddies cursed me for my luck with 4 stars), so I figured it would take a little effort, nothing too hard.
I was incredibly wrong.
I come back to this bombardment of info and have been wholly overwhelmed by this game's progress.
Incursion who?
Suicides what?
How many Acts?
Alpha catalysts aren't mythical creatures anymore? (T2 at least)
Everyone has 4 stars?
5 stars as common as McDonald's locations?
6 stars? SIX STARS!!??
I was staggered to say the least.
Is it worth getting back into the game? If it is should I keep my old account or restart fresh? How much catch up am I gonna have to do to make up for the past 4-5 years? IS MAGNETO STILL ****? I would like your opinion.
This my current box (just copped that Medusa, no idea if she's good or not):

Progress is as such you will be rolling in 5* soon (Slightly faster than bases soon, that is).
Incursions are a coop mode that you could do or completely ignore. It’s also brand new so you can check out recent YouTube vids about it.
Suicide masteries are the tree that has recoil double edge liquid courage etc. that increase your attack rating, but aren’t great for people who spam specials due to recoil or people who don’t have immunities to poison and/or bleed. Just look at that tree in the mastery setup.
There are now six acts. The new Act 1 (Act 7 will not come out for a while).
All rankup stuff is much easier to get.
I get 4* every day or three.
5* are more rare but not really. I could pull back to back Kamala Khans and be like oh well.
6* are harder to get if you aren’t in very active alliances, but it’s not too difficult.
Hulk is better than when you left but right now very outdated. Magneto sucks still.
In terms of catchup, progression is faster than its ever been. Just do EQ and you will have some newer champs in no time.
It's a huge but
The kabam gods seem to favor new accounts, with new champions and old accounts with old champions. The new champions are phenomenally over powered compared to any of the new ones. So, it may be easier to start a new, unless you spent a lot of units on masteries.
The "luck" of new accounts and ability to game the arena system is just that broken
The way the arena system works, you will be competing with people that have R3 6 stars and a boatload of 5/65 5 stars.
If you decide to stay with your account, this is my advice:
Focus on medusa and colossus. They are your best champs
Go as far as you can in story
The green event is coming back because of a bug, so win 50 fights with hulk for a 4 star hero
Once you get the crystal and open the champion, come back here and we will offer advice on that
Always do the monthly side quest before the main quest
for this month's event, it would suit you to pick the shard side (apocalypses)
5 stars are now a lot easier to get. I open around 1 every week depending on the monthly event
Come to the forums for rank up advice, or check out this video:
start watching this channel and find the beginner tips video.
The game has evolved a lot since when you left, so come back here if you have any questions.
I'll keep my old account, it'd hurt to give it up for the Kabam gods or RNGesus.
But the rest of the advice I'll take to heart (and I'll watch that video pronto).
I'll check back in a week to see how my progress is with any new questions.
It hurts to see that both Magnetos are still hot trash, but I'll push on.