Unintended heavies

I've been playing this game for about 5 years and this afternoon my Galaxy S20 Snapdragon started exhibiting a weird behavior for the first time. It started to occasionally throw unintended heavies while I was attempting MllllM combos. It would do it on the second or third light attack occasionally. So in an arena fight it would do it 2 to 3 times. It is doing this in every game mode and doing it fairly consistently.
My previous device, Galaxy Note 8, would occasionally do this but maybe once or twice a week. I can live with that but not in almost every fight. Any suggestions? I restarted my device multiple times, cleared the cache, reinstalled the app. Again, this started this afternoon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My previous device, Galaxy Note 8, would occasionally do this but maybe once or twice a week. I can live with that but not in almost every fight. Any suggestions? I restarted my device multiple times, cleared the cache, reinstalled the app. Again, this started this afternoon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also what have your impressions been now that you've had the phone longer? Upgrading from an s7 so I'm hoping to see a drastic change.
What specific information do you need from those of us with this issue in order to have it looked at?
Mobile Carrier : Rogers
Game version: 27.0.0
Game mode: Eq, Story, AQ, Arena
Champions: All
Active boost : None
Description of Issue : While 120hz display is active these issues occur. While performing a combo each attack seems to have increasing lag between them. Feels like you are performing attacks at increased intervals. Occasionally while performing combos a heavy will be thrown despite not holding attack.
Screenshot or Video: Unfortunately I can't record the issue because when recording the refresh rate defaults to 60hz.
When I first got the phone (early March) mcoc was snappy and the animations just so beautiful and fluid. Then an early April update ruined the playing experience for me. It totally sucks that I have to tailor the whole phone experience to one app. Please fix this, Kabam.
I tried the 96hz thing and it seemed to work but I didn't feel like there was much of a difference between 60hz and 96hz. Not like the difference when going to 120hz anyway. Do you feel like there is a big difference from 60 to 96?
Hopefully now that more people are using 120hz displays across multiple devices, we might finally see some action.
I found that using single, quick taps for each attack (no mashing!) really helped and it doesn't happen to me nearly as much as it used to.