Refresh Rate

Does refresh rate applies to this game? What's the normal refresh rate?
I'm using S20+ and i had set my phone to 120hz. After the sched maintenance, i've observed that i am now experiencing a more realistic animation, frequently. This somehow affected my timing.
Before the maintenance, my tapping speed allows me to do a MLLLM combo and that's a fast tap. However, after the S-Maintenance, 2 fast taps will now register as heavy.
Is this intended? Anyone else experienced it when their phone is set to above normal refresh rate (60hz)?
I'm using S20+ and i had set my phone to 120hz. After the sched maintenance, i've observed that i am now experiencing a more realistic animation, frequently. This somehow affected my timing.
Before the maintenance, my tapping speed allows me to do a MLLLM combo and that's a fast tap. However, after the S-Maintenance, 2 fast taps will now register as heavy.
Is this intended? Anyone else experienced it when their phone is set to above normal refresh rate (60hz)?