Should there be an option to sell unclaimed items , iso , catalyst from the unclaimed inventory ?

Hello fellow players , since we know that we all are progressing players we always have abundance of the above in our inventory and have to claim them each according to their expiry/ time limit seperately which is both time consuming and annoying . in my opinion there should be an option to select those items which are expiring/available in excess in our unclaimed inventory to directly sell them rather than using the current available items with us this could help us both save time as well as earn more gold and keep our resources in check for later use . Plz feel free to express your opinions.

Should there be an option to sell unclaimed items , iso , catalyst from the unclaimed inventory ? 15 votes

ChampioncriticBatman_SinsOfAFatherQacobEtjamadot_dittoTheTalentsMinvisMasterpuffK1m0taZ2f6hQSidd777MathgeekDeadlygamer98Bradley77 14 votes
R_jay0027 1 vote


  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    We can already do that
  • 00Incredible_Hulk0000Incredible_Hulk00 Member Posts: 34

    We can already do that

    Atleast read the full article I am talking about the unnneccsary items in our uncollected inventory and to select them individually to sell them rather than to first use ur current item in inventory .
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  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    That's not what the OP is trying to say, he/she is trying to suggest that we be allowed to sell the excess items/iso/catalysts that we have directly from the overflow page, rather than be required to sell from inventory first before claiming the excess.

    For example, i wanna sell alot of my ISO in overflow, but i have to use/sell the ISO in my current inventory first, then go and claim ISO from overflow. What if i wanted to save the class ISO in my inventory but am forced to sell it first in order for me to start claiming the basic ISO from overflow to sell those yet again. It would be alot more helpful for me if i could just sell the basic ISO straight from the overflow page.
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