Progression Advice - Do I go for Cavalier?

Yesterday and today, I made a push to Cavalier after I got bored of exploring 5.2. However, upon beating 6.1.1 Sabretooth, I realised that this was going to be tougher than I thought.
Sabretooth himself took me 7-ish revives, because my Corvus was in AQ and I was too impatient to wait. After that quest, there was a slow decline in the amount of units I was using (just beat the Loki boss without revives, but I feel like I got a little lucky)
I'm currently looking at Crossbones and wondering how I'm going to do this without using all of my St. Patrick's Day revives. I have an extremely limited roster of 5 and 6*'s (almost all are R1), and I just don't think I'll be able to do it with my current team. Here is my available roster for Act 6:

Cap IW is the next to go to r3, possibly r4. I will also get 2 5*'s like next week, so I might update this post then.
Is it a good idea to avoid 6.1 until I find a decent counter for Crossbones? I still have to 100% Act 5.2 and 5.3 before I get Elder's Bane, but I hate 5.3 so much, I just don't feel like doing it.
I'm also working to build up some more units as backup, which shouldn't be too hard. What do you guys suggest to do?
(Act 2 100% is also an option. Not a serious option, but an option)
Sabretooth himself took me 7-ish revives, because my Corvus was in AQ and I was too impatient to wait. After that quest, there was a slow decline in the amount of units I was using (just beat the Loki boss without revives, but I feel like I got a little lucky)
I'm currently looking at Crossbones and wondering how I'm going to do this without using all of my St. Patrick's Day revives. I have an extremely limited roster of 5 and 6*'s (almost all are R1), and I just don't think I'll be able to do it with my current team. Here is my available roster for Act 6:

Cap IW is the next to go to r3, possibly r4. I will also get 2 5*'s like next week, so I might update this post then.
Is it a good idea to avoid 6.1 until I find a decent counter for Crossbones? I still have to 100% Act 5.2 and 5.3 before I get Elder's Bane, but I hate 5.3 so much, I just don't feel like doing it.
I'm also working to build up some more units as backup, which shouldn't be too hard. What do you guys suggest to do?
(Act 2 100% is also an option. Not a serious option, but an option)