Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

6-7 players looking for Gold Alliance running 3 BG and AQ 5x5

Almost ready made BG with heavy hitters looking for an alliance which will allow us to run together in BG. Must have line. Prestige varies from 10,600 to 6000. PI 1.1 million to 400k. We are laid back, active, and enjoy the game. Message steven912m for more information about us. Look forward to hearing from you.


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    I have an alliance that I just kicked out 8 members. I am tired of trying to get my members to play. I run 5 accounts on my own and do 90% of every quest / war just to get some rewards. I have a PI of 700K and prestige of 10,600. I came to the boards to see what is out there in terms of joining an active alliance where everyone plays and participates or looking for people who are in the same boat as me. If you want to join mine...we can try that and you can run a Battlegroup. Or...if you find something better, let me know...I just want a group of guys who want to play.

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    Ricky4SteamboatRicky4Steamboat Posts: 29
    Shugenja hit steven912m up on line. We are merging and reorganizing with like minded players.
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