Looking for AQ Map 6/5 and AW Plat4/Gold1

Have plenty of Map 6 experience, champs and dedication to be a good contributor.
Not addicted to the stress of Tier 3-4 wars trying to climb to Plat 2 and beyond.
IGN: Trumpoot
Line ID: subcommander (discord also okay, use it for other things)
Edit, probably looking for something around the 66555/66655 ... don't always have time to grind arena for donations.
Not addicted to the stress of Tier 3-4 wars trying to climb to Plat 2 and beyond.
IGN: Trumpoot
Line ID: subcommander (discord also okay, use it for other things)
Edit, probably looking for something around the 66555/66655 ... don't always have time to grind arena for donations.