Morningstar vs 6.2 Champion boss
I recently ranked my Morningstar to 5/65 with the main purpose of the rank up being to help with the 6.2 champion boss, especially the No Retreat path. Numerous videos have shown that she was able to regen enough to outpace the damage with the Champion in his 10% phase with her life steal gained with 5 souls. This mechanic has been known for some time now, and has only just recently been identified as a bug. This is extremely similar to the situation that occurred when She-Hulk’s heavy attack timing was changed so she was no longer able to chain heavies from basic combos. So will there be similar compensation offered for those of us who used resources to rank Morningstar as the compensation for the She-Hulk change?
People might say “Morningstar has her other uses” but I specifically ranked her over other better options because she seemed perfect for that fight. MCOC has been moving towards needing specific champs for specific fights. I feel like 3 t5b and 7 t2a would have been better going onto my duped 6* Aegon.