TOP 50 Summoner leaderboard statistics between 11 April - 22 April

Hello everyone,
I made some statistics based on leaderboard for TOP 50 players and I post them here maybe someone find them usefull.
I highlighted the top 10 performers for each stat in part.
Let me know your thoughts.

I made some statistics based on leaderboard for TOP 50 players and I post them here maybe someone find them usefull.
I highlighted the top 10 performers for each stat in part.
Let me know your thoughts.

This also show that some of these have waaay more pvp wins in these 11 days than the normal player would- maybe that's why they are the top players and us noobs.
Their goal is to be on the leaderboard, they made it.
I noticed based on youtube activity that there are a lot of skilled players and they are not even in top 200.
Came back with the updated stats for last 21 days.
I am open for suggestions how to make this more helpful or easier to read.
Also made a top 10 performers for each stat:
For Arena fights I counted 75 fights per hour average, let me know if this is true or should be more or less.