How war will now work

Ok so with the new matchmaking changes you are no longer competing to climb, but you are competing to keep your spot. The matchmaking will decide where you are placed and you can never push beyond that point because you will get impossible matchups. Tell me does this sound fun to anyone. What's the point.
Idk what tier you’re in but a 7-9,5k prestige alliances doesn’t deserve a spot in master to platinum 2 if they never face a top prestige alliance. If you face us and win then that’s good for you but if you call it a deathmatch then you just don’t deserve to be where you’re at
I’ve got 4 paths in 6.4.6 left in for 100% act 6, all variants 100%, lol 100% and abyss 1 path and consistent aq top 20. Do you deserve the same rewards in aw just cause you never face me?
You are weak. You don't deserve anything. Take and leave it.
I wonder how could your alliance get to such high place? Exploiting flaw match matching system?