New Game Mode - Raids?

I've never looked at all the threads for "Suggestions or Requests" so this may have been suggested already.
Seems a wall has been hit on new game modes being added and we are starting to get a bit bored with the same old thing. Curious about a raid type mode where you place a set number of defenders for a set amount of hours. During that time frame your champs start to gain gold, rank up resources, shards, or whatever....just one or the other. But during that time frame other players can search out defenders and attempt to raid these resources. At the end of the given hours you keep what you have defended. Maybe this is something that could pull players from the daily grind that we have to do, whether we like it or not. Or just simply give us another game mode to enjoy. Curious about the communities thoughts on it
Seems a wall has been hit on new game modes being added and we are starting to get a bit bored with the same old thing. Curious about a raid type mode where you place a set number of defenders for a set amount of hours. During that time frame your champs start to gain gold, rank up resources, shards, or whatever....just one or the other. But during that time frame other players can search out defenders and attempt to raid these resources. At the end of the given hours you keep what you have defended. Maybe this is something that could pull players from the daily grind that we have to do, whether we like it or not. Or just simply give us another game mode to enjoy. Curious about the communities thoughts on it
Remove that bases tab from alliance section pretend it never existed like you used to do
Maybe. But thats always been planned as an alliance event
Sounds like it could be fun, and probably along the lines of what I had suggested with raids. I'm just desperate for new content and reaching a bit for something different vs new story quests or new champs.
I made a poll about the game being stale and for some reason it stopped getting bumped when people commented. I had solutions for people to vote on
Link me. Wonder if users just flagged it so much it stopped moving up the forums
No flags