Thinking of coming back but....

ItempasItempas Member Posts: 57
I haven't played MCOC in almost 2 years. I had to give it up because it was sort of becoming all-consuming as I was free to play and was in a competitive alliance both in war and quest. I've kind of followed the game a little through most of the YouTubers I'm still subscribed to but I feel like the meta has changed way too much for me to really return to playing again.
Anyone else left the game for a long time, then returned? What were your experiences like coming back after a hiatus?


  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    I originally played this game in 2016 I quit the game at the end of the year I came back around endgame. The game for you right now must feel completely different act 6 has been fully released a bunch of old champs are now great. My experience was so much different then in 2016 champs are so much easier to get now compared to back then.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I first started playing a little bit after the game came out and stopped playing about six months after that. I started playing again with a new account in 2018. It was pretty trippy coming back. On my first account, five stars weren't a thing, so I was always jonesing for a four star and I had three by the time I quit: Black Widow, Abomination, and Iron Man. My biggest concern in the game was awakening my 3 star Star-Lord. It definitely was a lot easier starting a new account then it was when I left.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    I took a one year break but haven’t been able to restore my old account (hadn’t signed in at all it wasn’t really big so I don’t really care) but even then i can tell progression has sped up. Definitely re join ASAP if you want to make the most of this event and next month bc they seem like great events overall
  • NerdNerdNerd1NerdNerdNerd1 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    i mean join back, but i wouldnt recommend buying many of the offers, kabam has gotten a bit greedy and a bit stingy with good offers.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    I return after 1.5 year. Currently game has changed a lot. U can collect 5★ shard fast now. Also game has too much event now. But still has gold problem. And that's very bad.
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    Itempas said:

    I haven't played MCOC in almost 2 years. I had to give it up because it was sort of becoming all-consuming as I was free to play and was in a competitive alliance both in war and quest. I've kind of followed the game a little through most of the YouTubers I'm still subscribed to but I feel like the meta has changed way too much for me to really return to playing again.
    Anyone else left the game for a long time, then returned? What were your experiences like coming back after a hiatus?

    I would try it out and see. If you don't like it don't return but if u feel like you can get back in then sure come back and play. Yes the meta has changed but the champs that were good back then are still good now and can get u thru at least Act 5
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    I quit for like 2018-2019, I was did log in but didn't play much and not frequently. I think I was lucky cuz the good characters I had such as Archangel or Magik are timeless, but it is kinda hard with all the flashy new characters I'm missing. I've never gone back to a competitive alliance after my first one, but that's not where I find fun anyways, so it's cool. New events are really fun - like Variant 4 is a blast! Act 5 is pretty fun too. But I really think this game is just fun to play with what you have, and when you get new stuff its even better.
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