New Event Quest Gliches [Under Investigation]

KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
edited August 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I have had 2 instances now in the beginner level of the new EQ where i have had to fight the same battle twice even though there is no interruptions to the game and the second time around i have lost half health to my champion i fought with despite all being well with network connections and no issues with wifi or data. You guys need to look into this because if it continues you will have a lot of angry players especially on higher tiers with little health left from the first fights.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey there @KeepOnMovin. The team is currently working on this issue, and I'll let you know as soon as I have more information for you. Thanks so much for letting us know about this, and for your patience.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 38
    Same, hope it doesn't mess up legend time too bad!
  • KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
    Thank you for addressing this i look forward to seeing it fixed and i do ageee with you Waldo.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Word of advice, it seems to me that the first week of a new Event Quest, or update is always full of bugs. So my advice is to not do the legends run in the first week. Wait and see what casual gamers complain about first.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    You shouldn't have to wait a week or 2 after an update to see whats not working in a game to play it. I was a pretty heavy spender in mcoc the first few months i started my main acc. Now i dont spend anything. Its like cok and aok every updates so glitched takes another semi update to fix it then another ..... and if they ever do actually have the game working correctly well its time for a new update. Marketing scam is all it is. Thats what beta testers are for is the "GLITCHES OUT" before a new update to the public.

    You're right no one should have to wait, I was just advising those who wanted to do a Legend run.

    For me it doesn't matter cause no matter what I won't spend money. I hate the bugs, wish the game smooth and interesting like before.
  • KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
    edited September 2017
    The hard part is that in order to get the Legend title you have to be in the first 100 players to explore both Heroic and Master levels so if you dont push thru in that first few days you wont get the title. I believe thats what Waldo was referring to not LOL or ROL but you are absolutely correct about those.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    No where did they say you need to be one of the first 100 to 100% heroic and master to get a legends title. Just the 100 fastest times get it for event quests. They give you 2 weeks to get the title. Wait one week to see what problems arise.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,835 ★★★★★
    Like Jon above me said, I do believe it's based on fastest time and not the first 100 to complete heroic and master.
  • KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
    Really????!!! Ive been living in a lie
  • KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
    That sucks!! I have had the experience that unless you have photographic proof they say you got them. I had the same thing happen when i bought 2 packages featuring a t4b and t4c where i got the t4b from the lesser costing one but never got the t4c and had evidence but they tried saying it wasnt part of the deal. That didnt make sense as it was offered as part in my alliance mates as well. I never got the t4c to this day. Im pretty sure it will end up the same sadly.
  • KeepOnMovinKeepOnMovin Member Posts: 63
    Dont worry bought another thing and got not a single item in pack but charged the same. I took it to google for refund.
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