Sentinel or Stark Spider-Man to Rank 5?

PhazonVirusPhazonVirus Member Posts: 12
I have a tech rank 5 gem...I’ve seen some posts on this and people lean toward stark enhanced Spider-Man but with the current state of the game I would like people’s opinions. I have completed Variants 2, 3, and 4 100% percent. I have not done variant 1. I have completed act 6 chapter 2 as well. Not sure what I want to go for next. It will be either act 6 chapter 3 or variant 1.

Sentinel or Stark Spider-Man to Rank 5? 5 votes

Sentinel (duped)
Octoberstack 1 vote
Stark Enhanced Spider-Man (duped)
LostCrestFiiNCHCharlie21540Aburaees 4 votes
Wait for Warlock or G2099?


  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Stark Enhanced Spider-Man (duped)
    All of them are available as 6* except for Stark Enhanced Spider-Man
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