Reasonable discussion about a 6* feature crystal being potentially added to the Black Iso Market
Member Posts: 43 ★
For starters, I am deadly serious about the "reasonable discussion" part. If that's something you can't do, stay way from this post, please.
The Black Iso Market recent update was definitely appreciated, and I am currently happy with where it's at, I have to state this. However, I can't help but think that there's room for improvement on one particular item, the 6* crystals.
Last year we had the Featured Store popping up a few times that would give us access, among several items, to 6* crystal shards for an amount of units. I looked forward to its return at some point, but now I am believing it is no longer the plan. One of my assumptions is: because the format of that Store no longer reflects the intent the Development Team desires for the game going forward, it has been scrapped. There could a different reason, but the big takeaway in my point of view is as follows: 6* crystal shards are being mildly restricted to quest rewards and 5* dupes. I say mildly, because there are also offers that pop up every now and then containing 6* shards.
This restriction is somewhat understandable, after all, we are talking about 6*. There could be a different word for it if "restriction" isn't really the best one (some people are super sensible about connotation and such), but what really matters is that it is still undeniably difficult to come by a sufficient amount of 6* crystal shards for a *regular* endgame player (that is not a big big spender) to justify picking up a 6* featured crystal.
Now, I know, as soon as one finishes reading my last paragraph there's always going to be that guy that can barely hold his breath excited to start typing that he opens 6* featured crystals all the time and it's no problem for him. But hold it for a while longer and repress your desire to oppose someone's argument just for the sake of it.
I have finished Act 6 completion, currently have 6.1 and 6.2 explored and hope to be exploring 6.3 over the coming weeks. I have 21 6* and 93 5*. Run every milestone in all 5 Arenas every entry + T1A and T4B (I don't run the catalyst one, because come on, that's an awful reward ratio). All 4 Variants are explored, and as you can expect Event Quests and Side Events are easily done too every month. LOL explored and AOL yet to be touched (I am hoping I will have the ability to set a day apart to get it done at some point). Incursions have been an exciting improvement from the late Dungeons and I have been running all milestones so far as well (reaching zone 13 in sector 7 - hopefully I have the time + luck + energy to go beyond that). I am saying to you, *in my opinion* it is not justifiable for someone in my position to pick up a 6* featured crystal (SPECIALLY this one with so many duds in it). If you pick than up yourself, great! But mind you, you are not the *regular* endgame player I am referring to. To some degree even, some could say I myself also can't be considered one, since I grind Arena so much. Which parameters am I using to identify this *regular* endgame player then? Glad you asked: alliance mates; friends I've made since starting to play; social media comments and even this forum. It all points to the fact that in *most* people's opinions (again, if you do it, great! But you are definitely not part of the majority) throwing away half of a potential second 6* crystal is just not a desirable deal. Nearly everyone I talked about it with told me they regret it. Obviously only that extremely lucky person that picked up maybe only 1 or 2 and got the best champ available will be laughing and happy.
I have heard the argument that a 6* featured crystal is supposed to be some sort of unique crystal, and as such, remain at a high price tag. That argument was thrown of the window when these crystals seem to always contain a large number of undesirable champs. For every Doom there is a combination of Iron Patriot + Joe Fixit + Magneto Marvel Now + Falcon. "Oh, but there is also Havok, Emma, Longshot, Doc Oc!" Yeah, right, there is also King Groot, Jane Foster, Kamala Khan, Bishop....... This discussion already happened, no need to go there, the disparity is insurmountable.
The game is slowly but clearly moving towards a point where 6* will become the focus point for every endgame player (as oppose to just that "1 percentile" at the very top that already has a number of r3s). We still care enough about 5*, but the shift is upon us considering statements from the developers and also the community as a whole. You could say that some 5* r5 will withstand this shift longer, but undeniably, this year will see the roster of the remaining endgame players develop exponentially when it comes to 6*.
And after laying all the ground to my main argument, I would like to say that I believe it's time for the addition of a 6* featured crystal trade in the Black Iso Market. Options for that could be 12k for a crystal or maybe 11k for a crystal but only 1 available per month, there's room for discussion here.
You'll notice that I chose to skip talking about adding a trade for 6* crystal shards first. I chose that because I don't believe we are at the stage where 5* shards are irrelevant enough for anyone, to suggest trading them away, even though I know that 1 percentile I mentioned before probably don't care for them as much as I do, for example. Still, I believe a 6* featured crystal addition makes more sense initially for the endgame community as whole than the 6* shards. Maybe the shards can follow at some point.
If there is a desire to push for the next stage, including the 6* featured crystal in the Black Iso Market sends the right signal to the player base that is supporting the game, specially through this very unique global situation we're at. It encourages us to try it out every now and then, while not reducing its overall unique feel (considering I now there's people that will insist on this argument anyway).
I am curious to read what other people would like to add to this discussion. Stressing a second time, if you're not able to provide reasonable, well thought arguments, it would be best if you remain just reading, until you are, finally, able to add positive insights to the conversation.
******This will be an addendum to F2P players. Please understand the following: This discussion in no way, shape, or form, entails any desire to exclude you from acquiring 6* crystals. I am sure that some F2P are also analyzing the current situation and are perfectly capable of coming up with suggestions, good ones, that could inspire Kabam on adding more ways for you to access said crystals. Don't reply to this post complaining or writing something obnoxious like saying we only care about those that pay. If you are able to also contribute positively to the conversation, great, I don't care if you are F2P or if you pay any amount on whatever in game, please contribute. If you can't, than please, focus only on posts talking about F2P stuff and don't subvert what I am trying to propose here.
Whether you care to admit it or not, those of us that pay are financing your ability to play the game. You can enjoy the game, not pay a dime for it the way some of us choose to do. As far as I am concerned, this is a mark of current Mobile Game Industry and I am fine with it. But please, don't come here mounting your invented high horse with that ever obnoxious entitled behavior that some seem so eager to display (not all, I know very well, some of you are very articulate and interested in the improvement of the community as a whole. Those are super welcomed).
The Black Iso Market recent update was definitely appreciated, and I am currently happy with where it's at, I have to state this. However, I can't help but think that there's room for improvement on one particular item, the 6* crystals.
Last year we had the Featured Store popping up a few times that would give us access, among several items, to 6* crystal shards for an amount of units. I looked forward to its return at some point, but now I am believing it is no longer the plan. One of my assumptions is: because the format of that Store no longer reflects the intent the Development Team desires for the game going forward, it has been scrapped. There could a different reason, but the big takeaway in my point of view is as follows: 6* crystal shards are being mildly restricted to quest rewards and 5* dupes. I say mildly, because there are also offers that pop up every now and then containing 6* shards.
This restriction is somewhat understandable, after all, we are talking about 6*. There could be a different word for it if "restriction" isn't really the best one (some people are super sensible about connotation and such), but what really matters is that it is still undeniably difficult to come by a sufficient amount of 6* crystal shards for a *regular* endgame player (that is not a big big spender) to justify picking up a 6* featured crystal.
Now, I know, as soon as one finishes reading my last paragraph there's always going to be that guy that can barely hold his breath excited to start typing that he opens 6* featured crystals all the time and it's no problem for him. But hold it for a while longer and repress your desire to oppose someone's argument just for the sake of it.
I have finished Act 6 completion, currently have 6.1 and 6.2 explored and hope to be exploring 6.3 over the coming weeks. I have 21 6* and 93 5*. Run every milestone in all 5 Arenas every entry + T1A and T4B (I don't run the catalyst one, because come on, that's an awful reward ratio). All 4 Variants are explored, and as you can expect Event Quests and Side Events are easily done too every month. LOL explored and AOL yet to be touched (I am hoping I will have the ability to set a day apart to get it done at some point). Incursions have been an exciting improvement from the late Dungeons and I have been running all milestones so far as well (reaching zone 13 in sector 7 - hopefully I have the time + luck + energy to go beyond that). I am saying to you, *in my opinion* it is not justifiable for someone in my position to pick up a 6* featured crystal (SPECIALLY this one with so many duds in it). If you pick than up yourself, great! But mind you, you are not the *regular* endgame player I am referring to. To some degree even, some could say I myself also can't be considered one, since I grind Arena so much. Which parameters am I using to identify this *regular* endgame player then? Glad you asked: alliance mates; friends I've made since starting to play; social media comments and even this forum. It all points to the fact that in *most* people's opinions (again, if you do it, great! But you are definitely not part of the majority) throwing away half of a potential second 6* crystal is just not a desirable deal. Nearly everyone I talked about it with told me they regret it. Obviously only that extremely lucky person that picked up maybe only 1 or 2 and got the best champ available will be laughing and happy.
I have heard the argument that a 6* featured crystal is supposed to be some sort of unique crystal, and as such, remain at a high price tag. That argument was thrown of the window when these crystals seem to always contain a large number of undesirable champs. For every Doom there is a combination of Iron Patriot + Joe Fixit + Magneto Marvel Now + Falcon. "Oh, but there is also Havok, Emma, Longshot, Doc Oc!" Yeah, right, there is also King Groot, Jane Foster, Kamala Khan, Bishop....... This discussion already happened, no need to go there, the disparity is insurmountable.
The game is slowly but clearly moving towards a point where 6* will become the focus point for every endgame player (as oppose to just that "1 percentile" at the very top that already has a number of r3s). We still care enough about 5*, but the shift is upon us considering statements from the developers and also the community as a whole. You could say that some 5* r5 will withstand this shift longer, but undeniably, this year will see the roster of the remaining endgame players develop exponentially when it comes to 6*.
And after laying all the ground to my main argument, I would like to say that I believe it's time for the addition of a 6* featured crystal trade in the Black Iso Market. Options for that could be 12k for a crystal or maybe 11k for a crystal but only 1 available per month, there's room for discussion here.
You'll notice that I chose to skip talking about adding a trade for 6* crystal shards first. I chose that because I don't believe we are at the stage where 5* shards are irrelevant enough for anyone, to suggest trading them away, even though I know that 1 percentile I mentioned before probably don't care for them as much as I do, for example. Still, I believe a 6* featured crystal addition makes more sense initially for the endgame community as whole than the 6* shards. Maybe the shards can follow at some point.
If there is a desire to push for the next stage, including the 6* featured crystal in the Black Iso Market sends the right signal to the player base that is supporting the game, specially through this very unique global situation we're at. It encourages us to try it out every now and then, while not reducing its overall unique feel (considering I now there's people that will insist on this argument anyway).
I am curious to read what other people would like to add to this discussion. Stressing a second time, if you're not able to provide reasonable, well thought arguments, it would be best if you remain just reading, until you are, finally, able to add positive insights to the conversation.
******This will be an addendum to F2P players. Please understand the following: This discussion in no way, shape, or form, entails any desire to exclude you from acquiring 6* crystals. I am sure that some F2P are also analyzing the current situation and are perfectly capable of coming up with suggestions, good ones, that could inspire Kabam on adding more ways for you to access said crystals. Don't reply to this post complaining or writing something obnoxious like saying we only care about those that pay. If you are able to also contribute positively to the conversation, great, I don't care if you are F2P or if you pay any amount on whatever in game, please contribute. If you can't, than please, focus only on posts talking about F2P stuff and don't subvert what I am trying to propose here.
Whether you care to admit it or not, those of us that pay are financing your ability to play the game. You can enjoy the game, not pay a dime for it the way some of us choose to do. As far as I am concerned, this is a mark of current Mobile Game Industry and I am fine with it. But please, don't come here mounting your invented high horse with that ever obnoxious entitled behavior that some seem so eager to display (not all, I know very well, some of you are very articulate and interested in the improvement of the community as a whole. Those are super welcomed).