Who to take to rank 5 first out of these 5 star champs

Jay777Jay777 Member Posts: 26
I have alot of 5 star champs but these 4 are my favs.

Who to take to rank 5 first out of these 5 star champs 20 votes

Corvus Glaive not dupped
Hilldar10or_Strongneglass7EtjamaAaronc94walkerdoglowlevelplayerSavage 8 votes
Domino not dupped
Woody_federThatGuyYouSaw235LmaoKDSuperFlash10AleorThicco_ModeDragonjax64FeroX_the_fat_hering 8 votes
Human Torch he is dupped
johnlaw3742Skinnyfatboy82SpideyFunko 3 votes
Captain marvel movie not dupped
Darkrider05 1 vote


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Suicides it not?
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Domino not dupped
    I’d go with domino especially if you have a red hulk (mine is at r4) for the team. That is account changing.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Domino not dupped
    She's not my favourite champ to play, but with massacre and rulk on team she's op for almost everything
  • Jay777Jay777 Member Posts: 26
    Thanks guys i do have a 5 star red hulk should i take him to rank 4 then as well if i take domino to rank 5.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Domino not dupped
    Jay777 said:

    Thanks guys i do have a 5 star red hulk should i take him to rank 4 then as well if i take domino to rank 5.

    You don't really need to. He's also pretty similar to ht overall, but his damage output is probably lower (I don't have ht, but they both like to block energy attacks and mystics' hits, I believe). On the bright side - with him you don't need to throw heavy, he converts poison to heat charges and probably more suicide friendly, if you use those. I'm quite happy with my r2 6*, he's a solid option, but he was just my best option to go at the time, there are better champos
  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    Corvus Glaive not dupped
    Corvus just helped me crush through act 5 100% and 6.1. He’s my hero.
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