Pulled an Iceman...would be psyched normally, but the surplus of 5 star mutant champs I have leads to Iceman probably just sitting in my roster indefinitely. Not complaining tho, after all, it was free...
You are VASTLY underestimating the power of Killmonger. My 2nd favorite champ in the game. He has cleared so much content for me. He was key in Act 6, he's on nearly every AW attack team run, he does great work on AQ map 7, and he took down Invisible Woman and Collector for me on the Easy Path in Abyss.
Got 2 of the 1,750 5 star shard/T2 Alpha Catalysts Bundle
Are everyone's offers different? That one isn't available for me.
Mine is 1000 5 star shards /2250 t5b
Your aren't uncollected are you they are progression based
Mine is the 1000 5* shares and 2250 t5b as well. I am cavalier and have finished an initial run of act 6. Having a lower tier of options doesn’t make sense to me.
Got 2 of the 1,750 5 star shard/T2 Alpha Catalysts Bundle
Are everyone's offers different? That one isn't available for me.
Mine is 1000 5 star shards /2250 t5b
Your aren't uncollected are you they are progression based
Mine is the 1000 5* shares and 2250 t5b as well. I am cavalier and have finished an initial run of act 6. Having a lower tier of options doesn’t make sense to me.
I'm curious about this as well. I have the same (1k 5* shards and 2250t5b) and I'm cavalier.
Mine is 1000 5 star shards /2250 t5b
6* Namor
Pulled an Ultron (rolled over corvus and stopped before storm (who would've been a dupe))
Can't complain much but slightly salty about that rollover
*5 caiw
*5 colossus sig levels.
Nexus crystal has only one good champion.. Aarkus
awaken Silver Surfer
6* Night Thrasher better than most but needs awaken.
You should be jumping for joy.
I don’t have words to describe how happy I was.