BWCV is selectively immune to any of 3 DOT effects. Warlock, sentinel, DH, and iceman are all fully double immune. Cap marvel movie shrugs off all debuffs upon entering binary, and nick can do this once per quest.
Sucks I don’t have a warlock and I’m not taking up darkhawk if he needs synergies bc I will then have to take up 3 champions instead of 1. Thanks for the suggestions though
he is asking immunity champs.
Poison- captain marvel movie, medusa, and g-hulk
Both- warlock, Emma Frost, and iceman.
OR not bleed immune, he shrugs them off
In that order (I don’t include $$$ champs like OGV, but he wouldn’t crack that top 3 anyway).
Honorable mention: Darkhawk, especially if you have some of his synergy partners.
Dr. Zola
Also, what's this? A comment from King Leo that actually makes sense? *Gasps*