Another rank up decision

Hi all
Apologies for another who should I rank up discussion, but I’m a bit stuck on who to rank up next. I have some very solid 5* choices at r4 and a few 6* who I could potentially r2. Obviously resources are the main hold up.
I’ve completed v2-4
First run of 6.2
Never attempted LoL - not sure I have the skill or patience.
Any advice would be welcome

Apologies for another who should I rank up discussion, but I’m a bit stuck on who to rank up next. I have some very solid 5* choices at r4 and a few 6* who I could potentially r2. Obviously resources are the main hold up.
I’ve completed v2-4
First run of 6.2
Never attempted LoL - not sure I have the skill or patience.
Any advice would be welcome

Aegon is not very high sig at present, 68 I think
Good luck!