Advancing screens after finishing quests

Hello. Please add back the ability to advance faster through the screens at the end of a quest. Y’all of now changed it where the buttons are disabled until rewards fully show. Why? What’s the point of doing that? Please add back this ability.


  • Mad_Titan_ThanosMad_Titan_Thanos Member Posts: 78
    Personally, I'm down for this. I just think it's a waste of time, especially if you have boosts expiring or you just used a refill and you're gaining energy. I'd be down to bring the feature back to skip seeing the rewards, because you may have boosts expiring and you're using them. So, the screen to not skip rewards just waste boosts. People may actually like it, but I'm not really on that train. I'm glad someone agrees with me though @Smitty1923
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