Doom strong attack not applying Stun

PappaBunnyPappaBunny Member Posts: 112
When Dr. Doom does the strong, back-hand attack, the word Stun appears, but the effect never applies to the enemy. I've seen this on 3* and 4*.


  • PappaBunnyPappaBunny Member Posts: 112
    I have never seen it apply against any opponents. Even the AI Doom against my team, it doesn't apply.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    edited May 2020

    Against whom? What were the nodes? This obviously doesn't work against stun-immune opponents.

    if the immunity was triggering, the 'stun' message wouldn't be showing up in the first place.

    To the OP, are you making sure that Doom's opponent has a shock on them when he starts charging his heavy attack?
    EDIT: nope wait my brain is being stupid right now never mind
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    The duration is short. It's not meant to stun them for any length of time after they get back up. It's more meant as a way to lock an opponent in place so they can't evade or intercept your heavy. It will only trigger when they have a shock debuff on them.

    I use Doom extensively and I haven't seen any issues with this.
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