Kick the tires. 9.5 prestige alli LF 2

Looking for 2 map 6 ready players with at least 9.5k prestige. AQ focused alli that run 2 bg aw during season.
Moving to 1 bg of map 6 and 2 bg of map 5. Replacing 2 members after season rewards and end of next aq. Would prefer map 6 ready player so we can transition 1 bg to map 6. At least 9.5k+ prestige. US based players preferred, but will consider international players.
If you have any questions or are interested contact me through LINE. LINE ID - schmelerfury.
Moving to 1 bg of map 6 and 2 bg of map 5. Replacing 2 members after season rewards and end of next aq. Would prefer map 6 ready player so we can transition 1 bg to map 6. At least 9.5k+ prestige. US based players preferred, but will consider international players.
If you have any questions or are interested contact me through LINE. LINE ID - schmelerfury.